Harvesting of vine leaves for dolma

Dolma is a traditional Caucasian dish. Mutton minced, mixed with rice and wrapped in leaves of grapes, simmer on low heat. You can draw an analogy with the usual cabbage rolls. Dolma are stuffed cabbage leaves in grape leaves. In this article, we will look at how to prepare dolma and how to make pickled vine leaves for dolma.

Dolma in grape leaves - recipe



Vine leaves for dolma need to be washed. Then prepare the rice. To make the dolma delicious, rice should be scalded with boiling water or steamed. This will allow him to prepare faster. Scalded rice is mixed with mutton minced meat. We add there greens and butter. If you like to use onions, you can fry it until golden brown and also add to the stuffing. The resulting mixture should be properly mixed, seasoned and seasoned with spices. With mutton meat, all kinds of pepper and turmeric combine well. When the mixture is ready, you need to prepare yourself dolmochki-stuffed cabbage.

To do this, spread a grape leaf spread about 1 teaspoon with a slide of the resulting mixture. From a leaf of grapes it is necessary to make the envelope, that on all sides to close forcemeat with rice. If the grape leaves are too hard, and the resulting envelopes are turned back, no matter how you fold them, we recommend the following. The resulting envelopes (or rolls - someone like) should be tied with a thread to fix the shape. Lay the resulting rolls into a pan, tight enough to each other. Pour a little water, about 2 fingers. Cover with lid, put on slow fire, simmer for about 20-30 minutes. After cooking, before serving, remove the thread. By that time, the leaves will become softer and will "remember" the form.

There is also a simple recipe for cooking dolma in a multivarquet .

Harvesting of vine leaves for dolma

To choose grape leaves for dolma is better from white varieties of grapes. Leaves must necessarily be young. Cut it off from the vine, which grows far from the roadway. Exhaust gases and heavy metals settle in the grape leaves and make them hazardous to health.

Before cooking, you must remove all the cuttings. You can properly prepare the leaves for dolma in two ways: freeze and marinate.

  1. Freezing is the easiest way. Young grape leaves should be washed and dried properly. Fold in 10 pieces, roll up rolls and put in a bag for freezing. Frozen leaves are stored for up to 6 months, they must be thawed neatly and gradually - after frost the leaves are very fragile.
  2. Marinated grape leaves for dolma do as follows. The washed leaves are twisted into rolls of 15-20 pieces and compacted into a jar. It is better if the bank is small - then there just fit a portion of leaves to cook one pot with a dolma. In warm water, salt is bred (to taste, but you can navigate on marinade from a half-liter of water and two tablespoons of salt). It is important that the salt is not iodized. Warm water is poured into the leaves. Between leaves there is a lot of air, so you have to wait for the marinade to penetrate between all the leaves. It will seem that it is decreasing. In fact, it fills the void that formed when twisting. Top up the water to the brim of the can. Leave at room temperature overnight. Then close the rubber lid and put in the refrigerator or cellar. Marinade makes the leaves very soft and improves their taste. These leaves can be stored for up to 3 months, but they can be eaten in a few days.