Pain in the hip joint when walking

Joint pains are considered the most common and most dangerous. Most women suffer from them for forty. And recently young women have to face the problem more often. In fact, the pain in the hip joint, which occurs when walking, is not that surprising. This is the largest joint in the body, and the load on it is appropriate. Worthy to withstand the last can not every body.

Causes of hip pain in walking

Pain in the hip joint area can be of a different nature: aching, firing, pulsating. It depends on the cause of the problem, and on the place of the defeat. Unpleasant sensations can arise as a result of pathological changes in bones, sinews, cartilages, fasciae and muscles. Characteristically, the pain does not necessarily concentrate in the joint. Very often it can spread to the area of ​​the thigh or even the lower leg.

The most common cause of severe pain in the hip joint when walking is the thinning of the cartilage. Against this background, there is inflammation, because of which painful sensations appear. In the most difficult cases, the cartilage can even be completely erased. Shooting at the same time by force to immobilize a person and for some time to knock out of the usual rhythm of life.

In addition to the pain that appears in the region of the hip joint when walking, pathological changes can cause symptoms such as:

Often one foot of the patient becomes shorter than the other, which brings a lot of discomfort.

There are, of course, other causes of pain in the hip joint when walking:

  1. Very often, unpleasant feelings occur against the background of a hip fracture. This is a serious trauma, which is often complicated by infections. Worst of all, her people suffer with osteoporosis - an ailment in which bones lose strength.
  2. Provoke pain can tendinitis. With that disease tendons become inflamed.
  3. Sometimes the painful sensations are accompanied by tumor processes in the bones and nearby soft tissues.
  4. In some people, acute pain in the hip joint when walking appears because of bursitis. This is a fairly common disease, which inflames the so-called hip joint bag.
  5. With aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, the joint is destroyed and gradually dies. This is due to a sudden cessation of blood supply. Of course, such a process can not pass without a trace on the body. The disease proceeds more complicated if the patient takes hormonal medications or suffers from thrombosis.
  6. We must not forget about the hereditary predisposition. In some people, it is she who causes severe pain in the hip joint when walking.
  7. A very dangerous cause is rheumatoid arthritis. Painful sensations in this disease occur only when the articular cartilage is destroyed almost completely. At the same time they are accompanied by characteristic grating sounds.

Treatment of pain in the hip joint with walking

If you can still close your eyes for a one-off attack of pain, with constant lumbago in the hip joint, you need to contact a specialist as soon as possible. Even at the stage of the diagnosis, it is recommended to unload. Try to walk less and do not carry weights.

To treat the pain that has arisen from the injury, you can both promptly and conservatively.

Painful sensations, which have become the consequences of degenerative processes, are eliminated with the help of chondroprotectors :

To cope with the pain also help physiotherapy and massage.