Tincture hemlock - 4 cooking recipes and 4 secret application schemes

Some plants contain potent poisonous substances, which can be used for medical purposes in minimal dosages. To such grasses hemlock spotted. Previously, it was actively used as an analgesic, anticonvulsant and sedative.

Where does the hemlock look and grow?

Described plant is unpretentious and widely distributed throughout the world. Places where hemlock grows include:

Hemlock is a member of the Umbilical family, so it is easy to confuse it with other herbs (parsley in the first 12 months of development, dill, cowwort, angelica or chervil from the second year). The plant has the following external features:

Boligolov - healing properties

In ancient times, the described grass was identified exclusively as a poison. Predominantly in Greece used hemlock - the properties of the plant were used for public executions. The juice of the grass was poisoned by the condemned to death of Fokion and Socrates. As a medicine only since the time of Hippocrates began to perceive hemlock - the medicinal qualities of the plant help:

Boligols - indications for use

Qualified doctors strongly do not recommend taking drugs based on poisonous herbs. There are many cases when alcohol and water tincture of a hemlock provoked acute intoxications. Especially dangerous is the use of plants for cancer. Relying on the healing power of a natural remedy, people do not seek effective help, and go to the hospital with an already started stage of cancer.

In folk medicine a panacea is considered to be hemlock - indications for therapy with this herb include:

Hemlock - contraindications for use

The presented plant is the most dangerous poison, therefore many people can not accept it because of individual intolerance. Future and established mothers are also strictly forbidden to use hemlock - the use of plants during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood is fraught with serious consequences, even death.

In the presence of some diseases, the grass in question will do more harm than good. Hemlock - contraindications:

Hemlock - side effects

The agent has pronounced toxic properties and has a harmful effect on the functions of living cells. The hemlock plant contains coneyin, which can cause poisoning of varying intensity. During the course of treatment, the body adapts to a constant weak intoxication, so its symptoms are often absent. If the body could not adapt to the poison, tincture of the hemlock provokes the following side effects:

Hanging balls (tincture) - how to cook?

There are 4 options for manufacturing a drug from this plant. In addition to fresh or dry bologolova for this is used:

Recipe for a gentle plant



  1. Place the raw material in a small thermos bottle.
  2. Pour boiling water.
  3. Insist 2-3.5 hours.
  4. Strain the solution.

Boligols - tincture on vodka



  1. In a clean 3-liter jar pour 1-2 cups of vodka.
  2. Place a little sliced ​​herbal raw material into it and shake it.
  3. Fill the can with hemlock to 1 / 3-1 / 2 capacity.
  4. Pour the rest of the vodka.
  5. Close the jar tightly.
  6. Put the medicine in the refrigerator for 2-3 weeks.
  7. After the allotted time, shake the container, pour some money for use.
  8. The remaining volume of the drug can be stored in the bank.

Spirituous tincture of spotted hemlock from fresh raw material



  1. Place the grass in a clean glass container with a lid.
  2. Pour the raw material with alcohol.
  3. Tightly cork the dishes, put it in the refrigerator.
  4. After 18 days strain the infusion and pour into a sterilized jar.

Tincture of hemlock on alcohol from dry raw materials



  1. Mix vodka and vegetable raw materials.
  2. Shake the agent.
  3. Put the medicine in a dark place.
  4. Insist for 3 weeks at room temperature.
  5. Strain the solution, pour into a clean container.

Tincture of hemlock - application

The way of using the drug depends on the method of its preparation and the purposes of therapy. If there are severe symptoms of intoxication, you should reduce the volume of the solution or completely stop using it, take measures to treat poisoning, consult a doctor. Here's how to take hemlock in water infusion:

  1. First drink 0.5 tbsp. spoons 1-2 times a day.
  2. To be treated 5 days. Gradually increase the amount of medicine to 1 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Make a new portion of the remedy and continue the therapy with the maximum dosage.

Tinctures on alcohol and vodka can be used according to 4 methods.

Scheme number 1 (according to VV Tishchenko, "Tsarist", "1-40-1"):

  1. On the first day of treatment, 1 hour before a meal, drink 1 drop of medicine, dissolving it in 100 ml of clean water.
  2. Repeat the procedure for the next day at the same time, but take 2 drops of tincture already.
  3. Daily increase the dose of 1 drop.
  4. After reaching 13 drops, dilute the drug in 150 ml of water.
  5. From 26 drops mix the medicine with a glass (200 ml) of water.
  6. When the portion reaches 40 drops, begin to reduce it - every day for 1 drop. The amount of water to choose is the same as when increasing the dosage.
  7. After the end of the course, you should start a new one, immediately or after 1-7 days.
  8. For intensive care, it is necessary to repeat it 2-3 times.
  9. For prevention, 1-2 courses are recommended every 6-8 months.

Scheme №2 (accelerated):

  1. On the first day, drink 1 drop of tincture in the morning, afternoon and evening. The amount of water is the same.
  2. From the second day - 2 drops 3 times a day.
  3. Increase the portion of 1 drop per day, until it reaches 40 drops.
  4. Further reduce the dosage, also 1 drop per day.
  5. Do 2-3 courses in a row.

Scheme №3 (maximum):

  1. In the morning of the first day, drink 1 drop of the drug, lunch - 2, in the evening - 3.
  2. To increase every day on 1 drop of tincture for reception.
  3. The amount of water is determined from the calculation of 50 ml for every 10 drops, but start with 100 ml.
  4. When the evening dose reaches 40 drops, proceed to reduce it in a manner similar to the previous ones.
  5. To pass 2-3 courses without a break or having rested 1-5 days.

Scheme №4 (individual):

  1. For any of the above three methods, increase the dosage until weak symptoms of intoxication appear (dizziness, nausea).
  2. Reduce the single portion by a few drops and take the tincture in such quantity until the well-being improves.
  3. When symptoms of poisoning disappear, continue increasing dosage.
  4. Picking up the maximum number of drops that the body tolerates, take a tincture for several months with interruptions.

Infusion hemlock from cancer

For the treatment of malignant tumors, funds are used for vodka or alcohol. Hemlock with oncology is used mainly by the method of V.V. Tishchenko. If a person is weakened, the maximum recommended dosage is 15-20 drops. The rest of the treatment regimens are used less often, they are advised to use only in neglected cases or when sparing methods do not work. With intensive care it is important to constantly monitor your health, consult an oncologist.

Tincture hemlock from hemorrhoids

To treat this pathology, the drug is applied externally. A simple way to use hemlock from hemorrhoids is to apply a cotton disc moistened with alcohol tincture to the dropped out knots for 2-3 minutes. Often one compress is enough to get rid of the pain syndrome and inflammation. If the hemorrhoidal nodes have not yet fallen out, you can enter for 3-4 hours in the anus a cotton swab impregnated with the water infusion of the plant.

Hemorrhoids from fibroids

In the treatment of the disease, an alcohol version of the drug or a solution on vodka is used. Tincture hemlock in gynecology with myoma of the uterus is used for the 4th corrected method:

  1. On the first day, drink 1 drop, diluting it in 50 ml of water.
  2. Increase the dose of 1 drop per day.
  3. When the serving reaches 15 drops, dissolve them in 100 ml of water.
  4. For 5-6 months, take the maximum dose (15 drops) daily.

Heights from mastopathy

Qualified specialists categorically do not recommend drinking tincture for this disease. Mastopathy is not a malignant pathology and can be treated in conservative ways, treatment with hemlock often aggravates the situation. In addition to the transition of the disease to the nodular form, intoxication of the organism may occur. If a woman still decided to be treated with a poisonous plant, tincture of the hemlock is taken by a technique similar to that of uterine myoma, or according to the "royal" scheme.

Hemispheres against herpes

With the virus, folk healers are advised to fight with an alcohol-based drug. Infusion of hemlock must be drunk according to the method of V.V. Tishchenko, but in this situation, 1 course is enough once a year. To improve the therapeutic effect, you can wipe the skin with herpetic eruptions with a water-based version of the remedy. After 7-9 days, the symptoms of the viral disease should disappear completely.

Hemispheres from parasites

Any helminthiases should be treated better with the methods of conservative medicine. The use of toxic plant infusions can lead to dangerous poisoning. Specialists in folk therapy advise only one option, how to drink hemlock in the presence of parasites in the body - according to the "royal" scheme, but with a maximum dosage of 15 drops. To get rid of helminths, 1 course is enough.

Hemorrhoids from psoriasis

With the described pathology, tincture of the plant on vodka or alcohol is recommended. Internal reception of hemlock is excluded, it is used only externally. Daily it is necessary to wipe the affected areas of the skin with the preparation to visible improvements. Already after the first procedure there is a decrease in itching and inflammation, a decrease in the intensity of the pain syndrome, the normalization of the color of the epidermis, the healing of cracks.