Apricot jam slices with orange

Apricots can be eaten fresh, and more of them you can cook a lot of delicious blanks. Now we will tell you how to prepare apricot jam with orange.

How to cook apricot jam with orange?



We choose strong, maybe even a little underdone fruit. Mine them, divide them in half, and extract the stones. We fall asleep apricots with sugar, shake the dishes, so that it evenly covers the apricots, and leave the watch for 10-12. Then we twist the orange in a meat grinder. Do not remove the peel. We send the received weight to apricots. By this time, the sugar will dissolve and you will get a lot of syrup. Apricot jam with orange will be cooked in 3 sets of 5 minutes each. Bring the jam over a large fire to a boil, then make a fire a little less than average and, stirring, boil for 5 minutes. Then let it cool for about an hour and repeat the procedure again. After the last approach, the jam immediately in a hot form is poured over prepared sterilized jars , rolled up, turned over, wrapped and left to cool. As a rule, from such quantity of products it turns out 4 liters of fragrant jam.

Apricot jam with orange and gelatin



Apricots carefully washing, remove the stone, and the flesh is covered with sugar. Gently mix and leave the weight of the watch for 3 - during this time, a lot of juice will be released, and the sugar will dissolve well. We put the mass on the fire and boil the jam for half an hour. At the same time, to a boil, we bring the mass over medium heat, And then we reduce it and cook the jam over a slow fire. After that let it cool down. And if time permits, we leave it for a day. After that, boil the jam for another 20 minutes and be sure to remove the formed foam. Cool again. Now gelatin is diluted with cold water and left to swell. In the meantime, let the orange and the zest pass through the meat grinder and add the resulting mass to the apricot jam, mix and boil another 20 minutes. Then pour the dissolved gelatin, mix and hold for 3 minutes on a small fire. After that, we pour it on jars and roll them. This jam has a rather thick consistency and is well suited for various desserts and pastries.