How to see the aura?

Everyone knows that the essence of man consists not only of the physical body. In man there are many secrets and mysteries, the disclosure of which some devote their whole lives. Let's talk in detail about the aura, about who is able to see it and how to generally see the aura.

It should be noted that the aura is the soul in its physical manifestation. A man is given to see it. But to do this, you need to follow some recommendations.

Before you learn to see the aura of a person, it is important to know that it is different in color. Thus, a person's color is associated with his personal qualities and the state of the body. A person is given the ability to change its color, which in the future affects the state of health and the presence of ailments. One who is able to see the aura of others can determine how others feel about him.

How to see the aura of a person?

A person can not see the etheric layer with an armed eye - he is the very first of those that make up the aura. As a rule, it is the brightest and is located very close to the body.

The second layer is the astral shell. It has scattered light. It is important to remember that all the shells are capable of mixing, exchanging colors, and there is rarely a clear boundary between them.

In order to understand how to find out your aura, follow these recommendations:

  1. Arrange your aura object in front of the white wall, but stick to the distance of 45-60 cm. At first, use a monophonic background, avoid the background with incomprehensible patterns, etc.
  2. It is advisable to use daylight, but be careful not to get direct sunlight and neon lamps.
  3. Reading aura for beginners involves viewing the object at a distance of 2.5 - 3 meters.
  4. Let the one you are considering relax, breathe deeply, swinging and opening his hands.
  5. Concentrate your eyes on the wall behind the object.
  6. Pay close attention only to the wall behind the object.
  7. When you peer into the outline between the body and the air, you can see around you some kind of fuzziness. The width of the etheric aura is 1 cm.
  8. Do not interrupt your vision and soon you will find that it has a silvery or bright yellow color.
  9. Experiment with light and background. After a while you will be able to see the astral shell 10-50 cm wide. Often, it is darker than the etheric shell.

What does your own aura look like?

In order to see your own aura, you need:

  1. Stand at 30 cm from the mirror. Behind should be a neutral background.
  2. Wiggle yourself. Do not forget to relax.
  3. Focus on the background.
  4. Look over your shoulders and head. You will see light around the body.
  5. Now, try to observe yourself from the side, while watching the breath.
  6. It is worth noting that the color - the value of your aura is not affected by the color of clothing.
  7. Experiment with the projection of light. Choose a color. Visualize it. After a couple of training sessions, you will learn how to change the standard color of your aura.
  8. When you exhale, your aura increases. It will be easier for you to free up the energy that has accumulated inside you if you count from 1 to 30. After "20", hold your breath. Then increase the count. Doing this process, you will see how your aura will begin to resize.
  9. Restoring the previous breath, you will find that the aura acquires those dimensions that were originally.

So, every person can see the aura. It takes only training and a small amount of patience.