Thin human bodies

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the structure of the energy human body. It is this that is the basis of every person, having at the same time its own anatomy and various nuances of functioning.

The structure of the subtle body of man

Let us now consider the subtle energy plans of the human body. The energy body of any person has a structure like a nesting doll. It consists of seven subtle bodies. From the physical and six subtle bodies, which are energy centers. All these seven subtle bodies of man are interconnected, have an inseparable connection and are a single whole organism. Each of the bodies can be developed, and, under certain skills, manage these energy centers.

When we know the structure and workings of every subtle human body, we can solve a wide variety of problems by influencing a particular body.

  1. The physical body , the carrier of other bodies. It is the common result of the activity of the other six subtle bodies of man.
  2. The etheric body . A thin energy layer that radiates each person. This energy field is obtained as a result of the interaction of radiation, as well as vibrations of human organs, cells and tissues. The etheric body can be seen if you have the initial skills of astral vision. After the death of a person, the etheric body dissolves on the ninth day.
  3. Astral body, aura . In this body, various kinds of energy are intertwined. The aura is heterogeneous, its color and density depends on the person's physical health, vitality, and also the energy of others. It is here that psychoenergetic blocks are arranged, this place can become a "dwelling" for otherworldly forces. Spells, spoilage and evil eye are also in this subtle body. When a person dies, the aura dissolves on the 40th day after death, along with the mental body.
  4. Mental body. A repository in which programs are located by manipulation of consciousness, thoughts, memories of the individual.
  5. Karmic body. It stores all the information about the person himself, from his past lives to the future. Here can live clan curse, and can change the course of the intended.
  6. Intuitive body. Here there are sudden discoveries, spiritual values ​​and our unconscious are formed.
  7. Atmic body. Highest level. Here is the human essence - his soul.

Every subtle human body needs regular cleansing. If in one of the bodies there are irregularities in work, then the rest of the body will suffer. When a person has negative energy, a malefice, a spoilage, then access to karmic information about him will be closed. Because of this, the destiny of man will change, since corruption and other phenomena of this kind distort the karmic body. Therefore, it is so important to monitor your physical and spiritual condition.