Reactive arthritis

Diseases of the joints are considered the most common problem of our time. It is difficult to protect oneself from them: some diseases result from excessive loads, others are caused by a sedentary way of life, and there are those that arise due to infection - reactive arthritis, for example. This is one of the most common systemic rheumatic diseases that anyone can face.

Causes and symptoms of reactive arthritis

The name of this disease speaks for itself: arthritis - joint damage. A reactive disease is also called because several organs respond to it simultaneously. The disease is characterized by such unpleasant features:

Although it is believed that reactive arthritis is a problem for young people, from time to time doctors have to diagnose this disease in women.

The main cause of the disease is bacteria. In most cases, reactive arthritis occurs a few weeks after infection of the body with an infection. Such parasites can contribute to the development of reactive arthritis of the knee or hip joint:

Reactive arthritis can appear against the background of urogenital infections, tracheitis, rubella, herpes, bronchitis, pneumonia, intestinal infections, poisonings and many other diseases.

Can I reactivate arthritis? Of course, yes, the main thing is to diagnose the disease in time. And knowing its main symptoms, it will be much easier. Reactive arthritis is manifested by such signs:

Another characteristic characteristic of reactive arthritis is the defeat of mucous membranes. On delicate tissues there are ulcers and abscesses. These erosions pose a particular danger, because another infection can attach to them, and the treatment in this case will be more complicated and prolonged.

How can you cure reactive arthritis?

The treatment of reactive arthritis can vary depending on what the disease is caused, and where it is concentrated. In most cases, patients need to remove inflammation. For this purpose non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents are the best:

Antibiotics for the treatment of reactive arthritis are used only when traces of infection are found in the body. The main task of treatment is to eliminate all manifestations of the disease and restore the body as soon as possible. Therefore, health-improving courses very often include immunomodulators.

If desired, in parallel with the main treatment of reactive arthritis, you can use and folk remedies:

  1. It is useful to rub the affected joints with ointment from the comfrey .
  2. Kashitsa of black radish or horseradish, applied as a compress effectively removes inflammation.
  3. Well proven and ointments based on bee venom.

During treatment, be sure to follow a diet:

  1. Try to eat less meat, fats, carbohydrates, bakery products.
  2. Add to the diet honey, skim milk, fruits, vegetables.