Karmic marriage

Karmic marriage between people is in another life, although there are cases when the beginning was laid several millennia ago. Today you can find a huge number of couples who seemingly do not have anything to do, but people simply can not do without each other. Such alliances are considered karmic . Most often, relations are based on some problems that were not resolved in a past life. When marrying, in new incarnations, people try to either find a common language, or finally put all the points above the "and".

How can you calculate a karmic marriage?

There are several ways to determine whether your relationship is related to this category. The first indicator of karmic marriage is a certain age difference. For example, if this number is 5 or 10 years, then the union can not be called casual and the karmic connection still exists. The most alarming difference is 15 years. In this case, people experience a certain attraction, and it will be quite difficult for them to part.

How else to learn that the relationship karmic:

You can go to a session of reincarnation psychotherapy. It is based on immersion in trance. With the help of various questions, a specialist will be able to understand whether there is a karmic connection between you or not.

The family's karma will help to calculate the astrologer. Having compiled the horoscope of each partner, he will be able to determine whether the connection was in past lives or not. An excellent indicator is if the distance between the planets is 20, 40, 80 or 100 degrees.

You can learn karmic compatibility with the help of the ancient Indian method. The drakhma and karma have a heavenly indicator, which in different horoscopes has its own interpretation.

Calculate the relationship with the help of tarot cards. There are special combinations that show whether the ties were in the past.

Calculation of the karmic number

To have an idea of ​​the karma of marriage, you need to know your own karmic period. To do this, you need to write a complete date of birth, for example, 8/11/1989. Then consistently add up all the numbers, like this: 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37. One feature: if the day or month of your birth has 10, then it must be added entirely, and not 1 + 0. The two-digit number you received is destiny, the karmic period, that is, every 37 years in the life of a person there will be cardinal changes.