Heel pain in the morning

Unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the feet usually appear when walking or heavy loads. Some people suffer from pain in the heel in the morning, which disappears during the day and evening. This pathology, as a rule, is easy to diagnose and with adequate treatment with the disease can be managed.

Why do my heels hurt in the morning?

There are three most common reasons for this problem:

  1. In the first case, the pain syndrome appears due to the wearing of incorrectly selected shoes - too close, provoking the appearance of calluses. This factor is accompanied by skin lesions in the form of grated, bleeding zones, blisters, diaper rash, redness and peeling. Special therapy is not required, it is enough to replace the shoes and restore the integrity of the skin.
  2. The second reason why the heel hurts after sleep can become too intense training the day before with an incorrect load distribution. A great pressure on the feet provokes muscle spasm, damage to the joint and bone tissue, until the appearance of cracks. If discomfort is associated with the described problem, you need to consult a trainer.
  3. The third factor, because of which the heels of the feet hurt in the morning - a chronic inflammatory process in the muscles, caused by frequent microtrauma. Pathology is called plantar fasciitis and requires complex treatment.

Therapy of pain in the heels after sleep

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the inflammatory process. It can be:

After the inflammation is stopped, you can begin to treat the pain syndrome. To do this, apply the following scheme:

  1. Admission of non-steroidal analgesics and pain medications.
  2. Application of local preparations with spasmolytic action, warming effect.
  3. Wearing orthopedic insoles or special footwear, made to order.
  4. The intake of vitamin complexes with the predominance of group B, trace elements, in particular - potassium and calcium.
  5. Performing prescribed gymnastic exercises.
  6. Attending sessions of therapeutic massage and other physiotherapy (immersion of feet in saline solution, magnetic effect, acupuncture).
  7. In some cases - the use of diuretics (diuretics or herbal dues), if there is an excessive accumulation of water in the body.
  8. Compliance with a special diet with a reduced intake of salt and digestible carbohydrates.
  9. Control of body weight to distribute the load on the legs.

It is worth noting that ultrasound and radio wave therapy is considered the most modern technique that effectively helps if the right or left heel hurts in the morning. The course of several procedures, usually 4 or 5, depending on the degree of development of plantar fasciitis, allows to achieve such results:

Moreover, ultrasound therapy prevents the relapse of the disease and the appearance of pain in the heel in the mornings in the future. If the recommendations of the doctor and the proper selection of comfortable orthopedic shoes are observed, plantar fasciitis is no longer exacerbated.