Herpes zoster - is it contagious?

Lumbar or herpes zoster caused by a viral infection. As a rule, similar pathologies are easily transmitted to surrounding people. But some diseases have spreading features, including herpes zoster - it is contagious, depends on the state of the human immune system. In particular, the transfer of varicella in history is important.

Is herpes zoster contagious to others?

The disease described refers to contagious infections and is mainly transmitted by airborne droplets. Also, the spread of the virus is carried out by direct contact with the patient. Moreover, pathogenic cells are relatively stable in the external environment and remain active even after several freezes.

Accordingly, if the patient inquires whether the herpes zoster is contagious or not, the doctor will answer in the affirmative. However, there are some nuances, contact with a person infected with the herpetic infection under consideration is not dangerous for everyone.

Who is infected with herpes zoster or herpes?

This pathology develops in individuals who previously suffered varicella in latent (latent) or standard form. After recovery, the causative agent of the disease, the Herpes Zoster virus, remains in the body. It is activated with a decrease in immunity and a large number of chronic diseases. Therefore, shingles occur, as a rule, in elderly people and people with immunodeficiency.

Children can also become infected with the described type of herpes. In direct contact with an infected person, babies usually get a standard chicken pox.

People who have suffered from chickenpox earlier, and with the normal functioning of the immune system, almost never get infected with shingles. Such cases account for only 2% of all visits with the examined pathology.