The diet "no carbohydrates"

Now there is a huge number of food systems that exclude simple carbohydrates, due to which it is possible to achieve rapid weight loss. The system of "no carbs" offers a fairly simple diet: you can eat at any time, in any quantity and order, but only the allowed products.

The harm of simple carbohydrates and the basis of a diet

The developers of the system are sure: when we eat and proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates - carbohydrates are split, but the eaten fats are postponed. Refusing carbohydrates, the body is forced to look for another source of energy - and begins to break down old stocks, that is, fat cells that have already deposited on the body.

Due to this, such an unusual turbo diet without carbohydrates allows you to eat, for example, stew, sausages, sausages, any butter, cream, sausages and even mayonnaise.

But the list of limited products includes: cottage cheese, tomatoes and cucumbers, cabbage, string beans, zucchini, eggplant and even broccoli. Products from this list rely a little, not more than 500 g per day.

Features of a diet with restriction of carbohydrates

Choose your menu can be in accordance with their tastes. For breakfast, you can eat an omelette, fried sausage with cucumber or a couple of sausages in a salad leaf. For lunch - any meaty rich soup with a small amount of vegetables (but without potatoes). For dinner, fit meat with a side dish - and the meat should be more than vegetables.

The main plus is that you do not need to count anything. Eat as much as you want. The only thing the diet offers is a list of names.

Ban on a diet that excludes carbohydrates

It is very important never, under any circumstances, not to eat anything from the list of prohibitions, otherwise you will completely ruin the whole work and you

Thus, garnishes, sweets, fruits and all flour are excluded. At the same time, the creators of the system allow the use of a substitute, dry wine, as well as all strong alcoholic beverages.

Allowed diet products with the exception of carbohydrates

However, a fairly impressive list of products that are certainly easy to console any gourmet is allowed to be consumed. So, always, everywhere and in any quantity you can use such products:

The list of foods that can be eaten to a limit of 500 grams per day includes all non-starchy vegetables and greens, pickles, lemon and cranberries.

Occasionally you can afford cottage cheese , sour cream, tomatoes, radish, avocado, zucchini, olives, ginger.

Criticism of the diet "no carbs"

At first glance, the system looks tempting. However, such amounts of fats and proteins in the absence of carbohydrates can cause severe damage to the liver, kidneys and pancreas, and cause the development of various diseases from pancreatitis to any others. By depriving the body of fiber, you will increase the burden on the intestines, which provokes frustration from diarrhea to constipation and bad breath.

Use this diet can be strictly following the recommendations of your doctor, otherwise it can cause serious harm to the body, especially if you will restrict the vegetables too much.