Seal under the skin

The appearance of painful or painless seals under the skin can be due to a number of reasons:

Sometimes such education can be the only manifestation of any disease. Therefore, if any, even small seals, are found under the skin, it is necessary to visit a doctor to exclude malignant neoplasms or to start timely treatment if they exist.

The most common are:


Lipoma, or wen, is a soft, elastic, flexible seal under the skin in the form of a ball, painless when feeling. The size of the linden can be different, more often from 1 to 5 cm. They appear on any part of the body.


More often formed on the scalp, face, back, neck. It is a firm seal under the skin, which does not hurt and does not itch, has clear boundaries and a rounded shape. Often when pressing, there is a separation of fat from the center of the atheroma.


Occurs under the skin of hands, wrist joints. Can have a size of up to several centimeters. As a rule, painless.

Inflammation of lymph nodes

Painful compaction under the skin can be the result of enlarged lymph nodes, for example, in infectious diseases. Most often, lymph nodes of the neck, submaxillary, axillary and inguinal areas increase. Not far from the inflamed lymph node sometimes you can find a scratch or deeper painful wound. If, after treatment of such an infected wound, the compaction under the skin does not decrease or remains painful, then you should not be too lazy to visit a doctor so that he can conduct an examination and the necessary examinations.


Sometimes under the skin of the eyelids, cheekbones, nose appear small white seals the size of a millet seed. Single or grouped in the colony, they are called - "millet", or milium (whiteheads, closed comedones). Formed due to delayed sebum in the deep sections of the sebaceous gland. Their white color is due to the lack of contact between fat and air. Formed milium with improper skin care, excessive salivation. Weekly use of scrub, makes the skin thinner, sloschivaya upper layer of the epithelium. This contributes to the fact that the pores are opened, and the fat is not retained in the skin. Single whiteheads are removed by opening the cuticle and squeezing out the contents, followed by treatment with an antiseptic. To remove colonies of these formations, it is better to use the electrocoagulation method. Often, such acne occurs on the skin of the face in newborns as a consequence of the influence of the mother's hormones during intrauterine development. Over time, such a seal under the skin in the child goes by itself.


If the compaction under the skin hurts, the skin over it reddens, hot to the touch, there is a fever, a general malaise, and on the eve there were provoking factors that violated the integrity of the skin (injury, shock, injection), then perhaps it is an abscess. It is necessary urgently to address to the surgeon for treatment and the prevention of possible complications.


In the area of ​​the groin, navel, white belly line, there may be swelling of various sizes, painless and disappearing for a while under pressure. This is a hernia (inguinal, femoral, umbilical, etc.). It is also necessary to consult a surgeon and remove this formation by an operative method. The operation is usually uncomplicated and well tolerated by patients. The danger of a hernia is in its infringement, in which the compaction under the skin becomes painful, tense, the pain can spread to the entire abdomen. There are other symptoms with which it is better to understand the surgeon urgently, because there is a threat to life.

Consequences of injuries and operations

In case of skin traumatizing situations: after surgery, stroke, bite by an insect or animal, the seal under the skin may remain for a short or longer period. Depending on whether there have been any changes in the skin (for example, scar formation) or not, this formation may completely disappear or remain forever.

Malignant neoplasms

For sure to know what kind of a seal under the skin can be only when examined by a doctor. The insidiousness of malignant neoplasms is that they can remain unnoticed and for the time being do not disturb the person at all. When he finally turns to a doctor, it may be too late. For example, breast cancer at the earliest stages, when it is well treated, is diagnosed only by special research methods. And the compaction begins to feel well in the gland, when it has already reached considerable dimensions, although an experienced gynecologist can detect a nodule when it is still quite small. Therefore, be attentive to your health, regularly inspect your skin and in case of any seals, cones or other changes, contact your doctor.