Flower bed of perennials for beginners

Admiring the works of landscape designers, I want to grow such beauty on my own plot. But not everyone knows how the flower beds of perennials properly and beautifully arrange.

Beautiful flower beds from perennials can be created independently, without resorting to the services of agencies for landscape design. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules, and everything will certainly turn out.

Rules for placing plants

When placing plants, follow the basic rules:

  1. Do not try to fit the maximum number of plants on a small patch of land - nothing good will come of it, and the flower bed will only irritate, rather than rejoice.
  2. All plants must "stand by their height." That is, with the edge of the smallest, but deep in the high, so that they do not obscure the average height.
  3. Closely planted plants will not be able to fully reveal their beauty. Therefore, they need to be planted freely, and the space between them should be filled with bright annuals.
  4. Flowers, ornamental grasses and shrubs should have similar requirements for illumination and watering, otherwise one of them will suffer from overflow, so necessary to a neighbor, or too bright sun.

Flowerbeds from perennials - schemes of accommodation of plants

In order for a rabbit or alpine hill to look professional and become the pride of your site, you will need to consider several schemes suitable for this particular area.

First you need to choose a place for the future flower garden and imagine how it will be located. It's no secret that a successful flower garden will help to hide some flaws in the layout of the site like a sagging fence or to decorate an unsightly abandoned corner, making it the highlight of the estate.

The flower bed can be angular, in the form of a circle or go parallel to the garden path, imitating a curb or a low fence.

Excellent flower beds of continuous flowering from perennials. On them the plants take turns alternating each other and from early spring until late autumn they brighten the eye with bright colors. In March-April, this is the woods, snowdrops, crocuses and hyacinths. Later comes the time of tulips and daffodils, and so until the fall, when gladioli blossom, dahlias and the queen of the season - chrysanthemum.

A flower bed made of perennials made by own hands is not so difficult for beginners, as it seems at first glance. Just need to get to the bottom of things and do not try to make everything perfect. Small flaws can be masked by annual flowers and ornamental herbs, and in the next season, having already gained some experience, to correct.