How to relieve pain with cystitis?

First you need to understand that acute and hemorrhagic cystitis are treated differently, and you need to clearly understand what disease you are dealing with. Symptoms are identical, but only with hemorrhagic damage to the bladder, the staining of urine with blood is observed. You can remove pain in acute cystitis in various ways, but this can not in any way cancel the visit to the urologist, because such a disease can very quickly develop into pyelonephritis, or become chronic without proper treatment.

Cystitis - how quickly to remove the pain?

Those who have never encountered such an unpleasant disease, experience a shock from the cuts and urge to urinate and wants to know how to quickly remove the pain that occurs with cystitis. After all, a person becomes practically incapacitated, and the opportunity to immediately seek medical help is not at all.

Ways how to remove acute pain with cystitis a few - drug and folk. The latter include hot sessile baths with potassium permanganate or hot water bottle, which is applied to the area of ​​inflammation. You can replace it with an ordinary plastic bottle. With this method, you need to be careful, because with hemorrhagic cystitis, he is categorically contraindicated.

An excellent effect gives the antibacterial agent Monural , which you only need to take once. The tablet is taken at night, or so that within 6 hours after taking it not to urinate. The effect is achieved very quickly, but if the situation is complicated by the temperature and severe pain, then in another day you can take one more.

In addition to antibiotics in parallel, you need to start taking the drug Kanefron H, which begins to directly combat inflammation at the very beginning of the disease and does not allow the transition to a chronic form.

A well-proven plant-based drug, Cyston, has also proved successful . In general, for the treatment of cystitis herbs are given a huge role - they relieve inflammation and remove harmful substances from the body.

For those who do not know how to quickly remove the pain, when he overcame cystitis and does not have the necessary means at hand, the usual No-shpa or rectal suppositories with papaverine will help.