Dandelion flowers - application

Dandelion - a modest and unpretentious plant, which many perceive as a weed. However, this flower has many useful properties, which makes it possible to use it as a raw material for the preparation of various medicines. In this article, we will focus on the application of dandelion flowers for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, consider several recipes.

Benefits of dandelion flowers

Useful properties of dandelion flowers:

Recipes from dandelion flowers

Application of alcohol tincture of dandelion flowers

The healing properties of dandelion flowers are fully preserved in alcohol tincture from them. Here is the recipe for making tincture from dandelion flowers:

  1. Rinse in cold water and dry 50 g of freshly picked dandelion inflorescence.
  2. Place in a glass container and pour half a liter of vodka.
  3. Close the lid and place in a dark place for 14 days; periodically shaken.
  4. Strain, store in a dark cool place.

Spirituous tincture of dandelion is effective in the following cases:

Use the product externally for grinding (grind to a burning sensation and cover with a cloth) and compresses (gauze is wetted in tincture and applied to a sore spot).

Application of a decoction of dandelion flowers

Decoction of dandelion flowers is used for internal use in the treatment of the following ailments and pathological conditions:

The recipe for decoction from the flowers of dandelions is as follows:

  1. 10 dry or fresh dandelion inflorescences pour a glass of hot water.
  2. Leave in a water bath for 15 minutes.
  3. Cool and drain.
  4. Take the remedy on a tablespoon 3 - 4 times a day.

Infusion of dandelion flowers - application

Water infusion of dandelion flowers is a wonderful cosmetological facial skin care product that is effective for:

The recipe for preparing a water infusion of dandelion flowers is very simple:

  1. A large handful of fresh or dried dandelion inflorescences pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 1 to 2 hours (preferably in a thermos bottle).
  3. Cool and drain.

The resulting infusion can be used, as an ordinary lotion for the face, - wipe the cleansed skin with a cotton swab dipped in it, in the morning and in the evening. Also from the infusion it is possible to prepare ice, which is good to use in the morning for rubbing the face - the product perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, removes puffiness.

Ointment from dandelion and onion flowers - application

Ointment from dandelion flowers is effective for solar and thermal burns, skin lesions (cuts, bruises, etc.), insect bites. It is prepared in this way:

  1. Grind 20 fresh dandelion flowers.
  2. Add one finely chopped onion to the chopped inflorescences, mix.
  3. Pour the mixture with a glass of refined vegetable oil.
  4. Put on a slow fire, cook for about 20 minutes.
  5. Cool, strain through several layers of gauze, store in the refrigerator.

The resulting product should be lubricated affected areas several times a day without applying a bandage.

Dandelion flowers - contraindications

Preparations from dandelion flowers are not recommended for internal use in the following cases: