Beef udders - good and bad

The cow udder is not the most common and loved unlike, for example, from the liver and heart, a byproduct. Although in the culinary tradition of peoples, from ancient times leading a nomadic way of life - the Mongols, Kirghiz, Tatars and others - it occupies a significant place. Many people do not know about the beneficial properties of the beef udder and mistakenly consider it to be unpleasant and difficult to prepare.

How useful is the beef udder?

This byproduct can be cooked, fried, stewed, made from it minced, stuffed for pies, etc. It tastes like a tongue or a tender ham. The udder must be soaked in water for several hours, and then boil for at least 60 minutes with the addition of spices, after which it can be used to prepare different dishes.

The use of the beef udder lies in its high nutritional and dietary properties. Nutrition experts recommend to include it in their diet to slimming people - a hundred grams of the product contains only 172 calories. Besides:

The damage of the beef udder

In addition to the benefits and harm in the beef udder, too, there is, although it is relatively small. This is a very quick-selling sub-product, so when buying, you should be extremely careful. The stale udder can be seriously poisoned. In addition, there is a high probability of individual intolerance of the product.