Cognac from vodka at home - recipes

We offer you cognac recipes that you can make yourself at home, but not on the basis of wine alcohol, but from vodka. This way of making will not make the taste of the drink worse, and your guests will not be able to distinguish it from the natural.

A quick recipe for homemade cognac from vodka



In a pot of the appropriate size we rub the right amount of ginger root, we put peas of fragrant pepper and buds of fragrant cloves. Fill this wonderful collection of spices with vodka and send a container to the burner plate, putting out a very weak fire. Pour out the sugar here in brown and stir it. Pour tea three tablespoons of boiling water and when the vodka warms up to a maximum of 35 degrees, turn off the gas, and pour tea into the pan's pot with the tea leaves. Cover everything with a lid and let it be so, it cools down. After we take out the pan in the cold and wait until the morning. The next morning, the cognac obtained is carefully filtered and can safely embark on its tasting.

Homemade cognac from vodka on oak bark



In a clean bottle, specially prepared for the preparation of brandy in it, we pour out all the vodka. Next, add the pharmacy cortex of oak, but if you prefer to collect it yourself, then please do not get worse unequivocally. As the next ingredient, we pour into the bottle a large-leaf black tea with the addition of bergamot. We pepper the pepper a couple of times with something heavy to flatten them, thereby revealing the inside of their fragrance and we also send everything into a common container. At the end, we introduce into our future cognac broken cinnamon sticks, sugar powder and using a large long spoon, stir everything for 2-3 minutes. The bottle is covered with a usual capron cap and we put it in a place cooler, where it will not get light.

For three weeks, forget and do not remember about this brandy, but after that you can immediately call the guests, since such a drink you certainly will not let you down!

How to make homemade cognac from vodka with prunes?



For this recipe, it will be enough to have a liter jar, in which we first fill all the loose: nut, sugar, cinnamon and vanillin. Next, fill it with all the vodka chosen for your taste, cover the container with a lid and shake the jar well. We open, we spread carefully rinsed prunes here, carefully dipped a bag of beloved black tea into vodka, taking care not to drown its label. Again, close and define the most secluded, with a cool temperature place. We leave there cognac for 1,5, and even 2 weeks. Before you start his tasting, strain the contents of the jar through cotton wool or four folded gauze 2-3 times.