Home theaters with wireless speakers

Today, a home theater is one of the most popular types of entertainment for those who do not want to leave the house. Manufacturers offer us a huge variety of models of such home appliances, and sometimes it is very difficult to make a choice. However, there is a basic criterion for home cinemas to be classified: the presence or absence of wires in an acoustic system. In other words, there are models of home theaters with wireless speakers, and there are also conventional wired cinemas. But, as wireless technology causes some people to distrust, let's look at a home theater with wireless rear speakers in more detail.

Features of wireless home theater acoustics

Under the term "wireless home theater", experts imply that in such a system only two rear speakers are wireless. If all the speakers were wireless, then such a cinema would be very expensive, but even today such technologies have not been developed yet - so far this is technically simply impossible.

The longest are the wires to the rear columns. Here they are, and the most difficult to hide. With wires from the front speakers it is quite possible to reconcile. And without wires lying on the floor, your room will become more spacious, cozy, and, of course, more convenient.

There are models of wireless home theaters, in which there are no rear speakers at all. A system with "virtual rear" creates the effect of presence with only the front speakers. Such a cinema will work well in a small room, as it uses sound reflected from surrounding walls. Having a small number of elements, such a system is easy to assemble and fits perfectly into the surrounding environment.

In cordless speaker systems for home theater, the cable is replaced with a radio or infrared signal. But the wires are also present here, they are needed to connect the speakers to the amplifier, which in turn is connected to the power supply. Such an acoustic system creates a sound different from the sound in ordinary speakers. After all, passive wired speakers receive an audio signal and are reproduced in analog form, whereas wireless satellites are themselves active and create certain interference. And this affects the sound quality of the cinema with wireless speakers.

The installation of a wireless home theater is quite simple, since there is no need to make holes in the walls for laying numerous cables, and after that do also repairs in the room. Buy a home theater with wireless speakers and enjoy your favorite movies!