How to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a cold?

Many people complain that they can not get rid of the cold for a long time, although they use the most effective drops from rhinitis. Probably, this is due to the fact that the cause of nasal congestion is incorrectly determined. Therefore it is important to know how to distinguish an allergic rhinitis from a common cold, what are the characteristic signs of each of the varieties of this unpleasant symptom.

What is the difference between a seasonal allergic rhinitis and a cold?

Hay fever or hay fever, accompanied by allergic rhinitis, occurs due to the ingress of irritants on the mucous membranes of the nose. In this role can act cosmetic products, components of household chemicals, plant pollen, cigarette smoke and many other allergens.

In ARVI or ARI, bacterial and viral cells are the cause of the common cold. In the process of vital activity they release toxic substances that irritate the mucous membranes lining the inner surface of the nasal passages, which provokes congestion of the nose.

Characteristic differences in allergic rhinitis from colds

The easiest way to differentiate the problem in question is by contacting the otolaryngologist. The doctor already after the examination can almost unerringly find out the true cause of the pathology.

Here's how to distinguish yourself from an allergic rhinitis from an ordinary cold:

  1. The rate of development of the symptom. The usual rhinitis progresses gradually, the allergic stuffiness of the nose arises suddenly.
  2. Frequency, intensity of sneezing. Cold cold is accompanied by deep, strong, but rare sneezing. For allergic rhinitis, frequent prolonged seizures (10-20 times) are characteristic.
  3. Presence of itching. Stagnation nose in ARVI and ARI is not itchy, but during the allergy always itchy nose (inside).

In addition, it is worth paying attention to additional clinical manifestations:

All these signs indicate the allergic origin of the common cold.