Neurosis - treatment

Neuropsies are called neuropsychiatric diseases, which arise due to overstrain of the human nervous system. In modern psychiatry and neuralgia is considered the most common type of mental disorder.

The main causes of neurosis:

Classification of neuroses according to clinical symptoms:

How is neurosis manifested in ordinary life?

First of all, the patient has obsessive state and thoughts, acute unreadiness and fear of stress. A person responds to an irritant with aggression or whining. There are fears and worries without realistic reasons. Various phobias develop. The patient quickly gets tired, he develops hypersensitivity to temperature changes, loud sounds, and photophobia appears. At the same time, the functions of memory, mental activity deteriorate. Pronounced inferiority complexes, fear of the audience, isolation. The mood changes quickly, irritability appears. The state of neurosis is accompanied by an overestimated or underestimated self-esteem.

How to cope with a neurosis?

It is very important to seek medical help in a timely manner. How to deal with the neurosis correctly - prompt neurologists or a doctor-psychiatrist.

Psychotherapy is considered the most common way to combat the disease. During the application of the method, emotional influence on the patient's psyche is carried out, deep psychoanalysis takes place and logically processed information about human life. Much depends on the skill and character of the therapist.

The second method is called suggestion. The patient receives information that does not need logical processing. In practice, indirect and direct suggestion is used.

The third method of psychotherapy is called autosuggestion. The work is conducted with information that was constantly in the psyche of the patient.

Treatment of a neurosis at home

It is carried out in conjunction with drug prescriptions and psychotherapy. Neurosis is considered quite a serious disease, which requires a multifaceted approach. Some doctors advise treating the neurosis with herbs and infusions. And in addition to attend therapy, reflexotherapy. After all, phyto-drugs cause less harm to health than chemical analogues.

Treatment of neurosis by folk remedies

It is carried out with the help of simple plant components. Most often it is recommended to use willow bark, geranium leaves, lilac kidney broth, mint and melissa infusion, black radish juice, agave, lemon (juice, ground with honey peel).

Massage with a neurosis

Remove the tension will help massage, as well as relax the muscles and get ready for the beginning of psychotherapy. Combine it with pleasant music and aromatherapy.

Consequences of a neurosis

The consequences of neurosis are dangerous for the future health and social life of a person. After all, if you do not treat the disorder, the personality will develop according to the neurotic type.

Prophylaxis of a neurosis

Includes proper sleep and rest, good nutrition, it is important not to abuse alcohol. Remarkably, the emotional state is influenced by physical activity in the open air, search of small pleasures of life, pets and family walks.