Hormonal disorder in women - symptoms

For the organism, the hormonal balance is extremely important, which supports the proper work of all internal organs and systems in the human body. Even small disruptions in the production of these biologically active substances can lead to hormonal disorders in women, the symptoms of which are quite diverse. Further in our article we will consider the causes of hormonal disorders and their symptoms.

Causes of hormonal disorders

There are following causes of hormonal imbalance in the female body:

  1. Most often hormonal problems are inherited and are genetically determined. In this case, treatment will take a lot of time and money.
  2. On the second place there are emotional overstrain and stresses. In this case, there is a blockage in the production of hormones at the level of the central nervous system.
  3. The production of hormones in the female body can occur against a background of decreased immunity.

Signs of hormonal disorders in women

Signs of a violation of the hormonal background is quite a lot, and their manifestations depend on the severity of the disorders. Now we will get acquainted with the most frequent manifestations of this pathology:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle is one of the first manifestations of a failure in the production of hormones. In this case, there is no characteristic manifestation. So, the monthly may be irregular, too scarce or, conversely, too abundant and painful.
  2. Change in body weight both upward and downward.
  3. From the skin can be excessive dryness of the skin and increased hairiness.
  4. The inability to conceive is also a characteristic symptom of hormonal imbalance in women.
  5. From the mammary glands may appear such symptoms: swelling, soreness and the appearance of seals.

We examined the most common causes and symptoms of hormonal disorders, but certainly the final diagnosis should be established by a qualified specialist.