Bartholinitis in women - symptoms and treatment

Under such a gynecological disorder as bartholinitis, it is customary to understand the inflammatory process, localized directly in the bartholin gland, located on the threshold of the vagina. This disease is most often experienced by women aged 20-35 years. Its prevalence is also quite high: about 50 women face such a violation. Consider bartholinitis in more detail and dwell on the symptoms and treatment of it in women.

What are the main reasons for the development of bartholinitis?

The disease develops when the pathogen penetrates directly into the duct of the gland itself. At the same time, most often such a disorder accompanies such sexual infections as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis. However, often bartolinite in women is provoked by exposure to pathogens such as streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli, etc.

As for the pathways of penetration of pathogens, they predominantly enter the duct of the gland from the urethra or the vagina for such disorders as urethritis, colpitis. But do not exclude the possibility of infection in the gland with blood or lymph flow in the presence of chronic foci of infection in the body.

In addition, the following factors contribute to the development of the disorder:

What are the symptoms of bartholinitis observed in women?

This disease has several forms of flow: acute and chronic. In particular, the first is characterized by the presence of symptoms and complaints in women. Chronic bartholinitis has a more lingering course and in some cases a girl may not even know about its existence.

Most often, the lesion of the gland is observed on the one hand. First, in the area of ​​the small labia, a woman can detect a small reddish stain. It is located directly around the opening of the Bartholin gland canal. It is also noted the presence of secretions from it. During the palpation, even the woman herself can grope the excretory duct, which seems to protrude above the surface of the skin. When pressing on it, a small amount of secretion appears, which in some cases has a purulent character.

After a while, in view of the growing edema, there is a blockage of the duct itself, which violates the outflow of secretion. This leads to the development of bartholinitis, which, in fact, is primarily characterized by an increase in the small labia, its redness, soreness and swelling. With a long absence of medical care and no prescription of therapy, a false abscess can develop.

How to treat bartholinitis?

It is worth noting that the peculiarities of therapy for this disorder directly depend on the course, severity and form of the disease. Given these nuances, both conservative treatment and radical (surgical intervention) treatment can be conducted.

The basis of the process is made up of antibacterial drugs, analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of bartholinitis with antibiotics is carried out for 7-10 days. Most commonly prescribed are broad-spectrum drugs such as Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Ofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Clarithromycin, Ermithromycin.

In the presence of pain, pain medication is prescribed - Baralgin, Analgin. Of anti-inflammatories use Ibuprofen. All dosages, multiplicity and duration of administration are indicated by the physician.

Treat such a disease as bartholinitis, you can and at home, in particular at the initial stages. Local treatment is used: a bubble with ice on the site of inflammation for 30 minutes, gauze tampons with a hypertonic solution of 8-10% 3-6 times a day (3 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter of water), carry out treatment of inflammation with solutions of disinfectants Miramistin, Chlorhexidine). This type of treatment also requires agreement with the doctor.