Hormonal plaster

Very often, for the treatment of hormonal failures and contraception, women use a hormonal patch, the instruction of which provides for the allocation of certain doses of hormones to the body of a woman, because of which ovulation does not occur. As a hormonal therapy, these patches have an action similar to COC, and are used for the same indications: cycle disorders, infertility, anovulation, hormone deficiency.

For this purpose, the hormonal patch Ortho Evra is usually used. It releases a constant amount of two hormones - ethinyl estradiol (20 μg) and norelgestromine (150 μg), which are absorbed through the skin. This gynecological patch is very popular, because unlike contraceptives in tablets, it allows not to miss days due to the fact that a woman forgot to take a pill and increases the reliability of contraception.

Hormonal contraceptive patch: instruction

The hormonal patch can not protect a woman from diseases that are sexually transmitted, but its effectiveness is very high - 99.4%. Indication for the use of a plaster - regulation of the menstrual cycle, protection from unwanted pregnancy. Contraindicated hormonal patch of Evra with menopause, in women under 18 years, in the first month after childbirth, with increased propensity to thrombosis, retinal arterial thrombosis, cerebrovascular diseases, systemic lupus erythematosus, cardiovascular diseases, after a stroke, with diabetes, bleeding , malignant tumors, pregnancy, liver failure.

Adverse effects from the use of the patch are headaches and dizziness, depression, increased pressure, swelling, varicose veins, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, breast enlargement and soreness, dysfunctional bleeding, ovarian cysts, muscle pains, increased levels cholesterol in the blood, weight gain, conjunctivitis.

The plaster is not used after 40 years and if a woman smokes more than 15 cigarettes a day.

Hormonal contraceptive patch: action

The contraceptive patch acts as a microdosage combined oral contraceptive. Hormonal drugs quickly penetrate the skin into the serum, the attachment site does not affect the concentration of hormones in the body. The plaster is used only according to the doctor's prescription and full examination of the woman.

Hormonal contraceptive patch: how to use

The patch is pasted on the first day of menstruation or any day of the menstrual cycle (but then, even using a band-aid, the first week is necessary to use other contraceptives, such as a condom). The patch holds well on the skin, usually it is glued to the outer part of the shoulder or to the scapula, abdomen, buttock. The skin in the place of attachment should be clean and dry, there should be no injuries or damage or irritation.

The patch is changed every 7 days after attachment, after 3 attachments a break is made for 7 days. If the patch was not attached from the first day of the cycle, then the plaster is not applied at the 4 week of the cycle, but the break should not last more than 7 days. If a woman has forgotten to change the patch in time, but no more than 2 days, then it attaches a new one, and the next change is made as it should have been done with the usual use of the patch. If more than 2 days are missed, then the new patch is used for 7 more days. If a woman forgot to remove the band-aid at 4 weeks, the next one is still applied from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle.

If the patch is accidentally peeled off, it can be pressed against the skin for a few seconds, so that it is attached again. If the plaster is not attached, it is changed to a new one. If the patch has disappeared, and the woman did not notice it within 24 hours, the next 7 days additionally use other methods of contraception.