How to begin recovery after childbirth?

Waiting time of the baby is a very difficult period for every woman and a strong stress for her body. Very often after pregnancy young mothers can not come to form for a long time, and their shape and appearance leave much to be desired. Meanwhile, every girl throughout life wants to be beautiful and attractive for members of the opposite sex.

It should be borne in mind that the body of a young mother after pregnancy and childbirth is pretty much depleted, and it is strictly forbidden to resort to heavy physical activity to restore the figure. In addition, most girls immediately after pregnancy start to breastfeed, and excessive activity can damage lactation.

In this article, we will tell you what should include the postpartum recovery program, and where it is best to start to return to the old forms in the shortest possible time, but do not harm your health.

Restoration of the figure after childbirth

Immediately after the appearance of the baby, young mothers can be very worried about their changed figure. To quickly get back to normal, you need to start, first of all, with the correction of nutrition and lifestyle.

Begin to count calories - a day you should consume about 2500 kcal taking into account absolutely all meals. Eat every 2-3 hours, but cut the portion to a minimum. Try to avoid flour products, sweets, canned food, smoked products, and at the same time try to drink as much as possible, giving preference to juices, compotes and mineral waters.

In addition, be sure to give enough time to walk with your child, regularly take a contrast shower, and immediately after it, use an anti-cellulite cream with a massage effect.

Exercises to restore the figure after childbirth and, in particular, correction of a sagging stomach, should be done very carefully. For the first 2 months after childbirth, you can use such gymnastic elements as slow inclinations in different directions, swinging hands with dumbbells with a weight of 1 kg held in them, squats and legs with support for support.

Hair restoration after childbirth

Hormonal changes associated with the period of pregnancy and the birth process, often lead to hair loss, their increased brittleness and other problems. To correct the situation, you need to take special vitamins for recovery after childbirth.

Today in every pharmacy you can buy a lot of multivitamin complexes for nursing mothers. If you want your hair to become dense and beautiful in a short time, make sure that these vitamins contain iron, folic acid, sulfur, zinc and vitamin B12.

In addition, in your diet is also useful to make foods rich in these substances - spinach, sea kale, carrots and walnuts.