Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

An osteochondrosis is a whole complex of degenerative-dystrophic disorders that occur in the cartilaginous tissue of the joints. Such disorders can be observed in any joints of the body, but the most common lesion of the intervertebral discs, so the term "osteochondrosis" is usually understood as the problem with the spine.

Types of physiotherapy for osteochondrosis

Physiotherapy is a treatment with the help of physical factors. It includes a large number of sections, the main ones being:

The essence of the application of physiotherapy in osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar regions consists in arresting pain, improving blood circulation in the affected area, anti-inflammatory action, reducing edema, restoring motor functions, enhancing metabolism.

Selecting a method

Diadynamic therapy is a method of pulse therapy, in which currents of different shapes and frequencies are applied in the pulsed mode. Physiotherapy DDT for osteochondrosis provides a course consisting of 5-8 procedures for conducting currents, conducted daily. The courses are repeated with a break of 14 days with positive dynamics. This method gives good results with a pronounced pain syndrome.

With moderate pain, electrophoresis with drugs (analgesics, heparin, magnesium, iodine, hydrocortisone, lidase, euphyllin, etc.) is more often used, depending on the symptoms. And ultrasound therapy segmental effects.

With mild pain, the main methods of physiotherapy for cervical osteochondrosis are balneotherapy, paraffin-ozocerite applications, as well as combined methods.

During the remission, laser therapy is considered to be the most effective. This method effectively eliminates the reflex syndrome, and also stimulates the regeneration of the cartilaginous tissue.

Physiotherapy for osteochondrosis - contraindications

Unfortunately, each method of physiotherapy has its contraindications. The basic ones include: