Pryshchiki on the nipples

With the appearance of pimples on the nipples, every woman can face. Therefore, our task is to understand why they appear, what are dangerous and how to get rid of them.

Acne on the nipples do not look very aesthetic. In this regard, there may be psychological problems, which are due to the presence of a cosmetic defect. As you know, the nipples and the areola region are very sensitive. Therefore, any changes in the skin in this area, including pimples around the nipples, can cause a burning sensation, itching, inflammation.

Causes of pimples on the nipples

Pimples around the nipples can appear due to the following diseases and conditions:

  1. Disorders of hormonal balance. With the pathology of the endocrine glands, quite often there are various skin manifestations, and the skin on the chest, around the nipples - is no exception.
  2. Blockage of pores on the skin with cornified cells. Often this is observed at an older age, when the processes of keratinization and skin regeneration are violated.
  3. Allergic reaction to personal care products, linen from non-natural tissues.
  4. The cause of the appearance of white pimples on the nipple can be a blockage of Montgomery's glands. These glands look like greasy, but they produce substances that prevent the nipple from excessive drying and protect against bacterial contamination.

How to eliminate pimples on the nipples?

When pimples appear on the nipples of the breast, first of all, it is necessary to seek the help of a qualified specialist. The doctor-dermatologist deals with such problems. It will help to understand the causes of pimples around the nipple, as well as appoint the necessary medical measures. The effect of such treatment will come faster, and the result will be preserved for a long time.

If you have white acne on the nipples, do not self-medicate. Especially cautious should be if the rash is prone to inflammation. After all, any irrational action can lead to the spread of the inflammatory process. Extrude pimples is strictly prohibited, because in this way you can bring the infection. It is also important to remember that many cosmetic preparations for combating acne around the nipple just mask the cosmetic defect, while the cause of this condition remains. And accordingly, a white pimple on the nipple will arise again and again.

It becomes clear that eliminating rashes in the nipple region on your own, without the help of a medical professional, will be difficult. But there are certain recommendations, observing which you can speed up the process of recovery and even carry out the prevention of repeated relapses. So, in the presence of white pimples on the nipples must comply with the following rules:

  1. Linen should be made of natural fabrics. From all synthetic it is better to get rid of at once. Ideally, if it will be made of cotton or linen and at the same time free cut, so that there is no excessive squashing of the skin.
  2. Clothes should not be tight.
  3. Observance of personal hygiene. It is believed that the best effect can be achieved by using soap containing tar extracts. Such a tool is suitable both for the treatment of acne on the nipples of the breast, and for the prevention of their appearance.
  4. Also, various masks from natural ingredients will be useful. The most suitable are the masks based on aloe juice or carrots.
  5. It is necessary to give breasts to "breathe", so air baths will be an indispensable part of therapy.