Hormone progesterone - the norm in women

Progesterone is one of the most important female hormones, which bears full responsibility for full-time bearing and fertilization. His lack is quite capable of leading to the termination of pregnancy. But the most interesting thing is that such situation, when pregnancy is above the norm, is not considered normal.

What explains the importance of this hormone?

In fact, the effect of progesterone on the woman's body is extremely large. So, for example, his lack adversely affects the ability of the uterus to attach to itself a fetal egg, it loses the ability to grow in size, and the breast is not prepared for milk production.

Also, the hormone progesterone in women is responsible for:

Given the importance of progesterone in women, it becomes clear why gynecologists give him increased attention, especially if the woman is in a position or plans to become a mother. However, quite often various factors can disrupt the natural balance of this hormone, which is fraught with the most negative consequences.

The causes of low progesterone in women

The lack of a pregnancy hormone often becomes evidence of the presence of such pathological conditions of the body as:

There are some signs of a shortage of progesterone in women who should encourage her to see a doctor. For example:

What causes progesterone in women above the norm?

In addition to such a pleasant reason for raising the level of progesterone as a pregnancy, dysfunctional uterine bleeding , abnormal placenta development, renal failure, malfunctions of the menstruation cycle can provoke this phenomenon. Also, an increase in the rate of progesterone can be caused by the intake of hormonal drugs.

Symptoms of excess progesterone in women are:

What is the norm of progesterone in women?

In different stages of the menstrual cycle, their indices of the content of this hormone are observed. Thus, for example, the norm of progesterone in the follicular phase should fluctuate within 0.32-2.23 nmol / l, and upon the onset of lutein it rises to 6.99-56.63 nmol / l. Determine these indicators can be by taking a blood test. But the norm of progesterone with menopause and menopause should not exceed the value of 0.64 nmol / l. During the gestation period, the data is significantly increased.

In order to correctly determine the norm of the hormone progesterone in women who take hormonal drugs and are pregnant at the same time, it is necessary to inform the laboratory technician about it.

Knowing what progesterone is in women, and what is its significance, will help the future mother to properly prepare for pregnancy and fully endure the child.