Codyium - care at home

Cody (another name for the croton ) is a tropical plant that grows to a height of 3.5 meters in street-growing conditions, while indoor plants have a maximum height of one meter.

The plant is rather capricious and demanding to strictly observe the growing conditions. Therefore, it does not fit very much for beginner amateur gardeners.

If your house is inhabited by codec, then its flowering usually occurs in the summer. However, this phenomenon is infrequent.

Codyium: home care

The optimum level of ambient temperature for him is 25 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to avoid sudden temperature changes, otherwise the plant will suffer. However, a decrease in temperature to 20 degrees will not have a negative effect on the growth of the plant. The codium grows well under direct sunlight or scattered light. But that the burn of leaves does not happen, it is necessary to dose the sunbathing.

The flower is very demanding to humidity, so in addition to watering, you need to spray the leaves daily with water. Do not stagnate water in the pan. It should be avoided and drying up the earthy coma.

Once a month, a warm shower is useful.

In the rest period, in winter, watering and sprinkling are reduced.

Throughout the year, mineral fertilizers are introduced: once every two weeks in the warm season and once a month in winter. The seed mixture for the cyanide consists of turf ground, sphagnum and sand.

To form a beautiful crown of the correct form, the coding needs periodic pruning. The young plant is made to pinch as soon as its length reaches 10-15 cm. Then it will be necessary to make a pinch every 20 cm as the shoot grows.

Indoor flower coding: transplantation and reproduction

Before transplanting the coding, it is necessary to prepare the soil: it must consist of leaf, sod, humus, sand and peat. Also add small pieces of charcoal. The plant needs drainage.

A transplant is done in the spring. To do this, take a pot larger than the previous one. Drain, then a layer of earth.

Next, remove the plant from the old pot with a clod of earth, while trying not to damage the root system. Then put the plant in a new pot and begin to pin it with the ground on the sides. After all the roots of the plant are closed with a layer of new earth, you need to let the coda rest and adapt to the new substrate. After adaptation, care for the plant is the same as described above.

Reproduction of the cynomium is carried out by cuttings. Before you multiply the cueium, you need to select healthy plants with large cuttings. In the middle of spring, the cuttings are cut and rooted in water or an earth mix consisting of sphagnum and peat. It is necessary to provide cuttings with high humidity and an ambient temperature of at least 25 degrees. It is best to grow it in a greenhouse. At home, you can cover the cuttings with a plastic bag. Two months later, the emerging sprouts are planted in separate pots, fed with mineral fertilizers and watered. Care is subsequently carried out the same as for an adult plant.

Why do the leaves dry and fall off at the coding?

If the plant is watered incorrectly (overdried or flooded excessively with water), its lower leaves may turn yellow and subsequently fall off.

The same phenomena can be observed if the room is too dry air, very high ambient temperature or, on the contrary, a strong cold.

Codyium: diseases and pests

In an excessively dry climate, drying of the tips of leaflets can be observed, and the sheet itself, which was originally smooth, looks like corrugated paper. Also, overdried air creates good conditions for the appearance of a spider mite .

If the plant is unnecessarily watered, the base of the coding can begin to decay, and its leaves wither. In this case, you should stop watering it and sprinkle it, giving it time to restore, after which you can resume watering again.

To avoid burns of leaf blades, do not spray them directly under direct sunlight.

Despite its exacting conditions, the codieum, with proper care, is able for many years to please its owners with leaflets of unusual colors.