Is it possible for pregnant women to go to the bath?

Many women find it difficult to change their habits during the period of gestation. Often they include thermal procedures, which are considered very useful for any person. But when you expect your baby, serious hormonal changes take place in the body. Therefore, the question whether pregnant women can go to the bath is still open. Consider what specialists think about this.

Is it worth pampering yourself with bath procedures during pregnancy?

If you treat the visits to a therma without fanaticism, most doctors, under certain conditions, consider this quite acceptable. You will immediately stop doubting whether you can wash in a bath during pregnancy, when you learn about the following advantages of this procedure:

  1. The bath improves significantly the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular system, which undergo serious overloads during childbirth. So, a periodic visit to this institution will help train the appropriate muscles.
  2. Very often, future mothers suffer from varicose veins, swelling, headaches or toxicosis. If you at least occasionally give time to thermal procedures, all these symptoms will disappear virtually without a trace.
  3. Another reason why pregnant women can go to the bath is prevention of acute respiratory disease and influenza. This is especially true in the autumn-spring period, when it is not difficult to get infected with the virus. And even if you get sick, do not stop going to the bath: you will recover much faster. However, make sure that the temperature in the steam room does not exceed 69-70 degrees, otherwise you run the risk of harming yourself and your baby.
  4. The bath perfectly strengthens immunity, therefore the immune system of crumbs after birth will be much better prepared for a meeting with the surrounding world.
  5. When doctors are wondering whether pregnant women can be bathed in a bath, they often recommend this procedure to stimulate lactation. After all, breastfeeding is very important for the baby.
  6. Also, if you regularly visit a sauna or a sauna, the delivery is likely to be faster and easier, since in this case the elasticity of muscles and connective tissues increases.

Rules for visiting a bath during pregnancy

If before replenishment in your family you almost never could be found in a therma, now you should not start to do it. Such a temperature drop will become a strong stress for the body, which is already weakened during this period. Well, true lovers of the bath should not deny themselves this pleasure, while observing certain rules:

  1. Thermal procedures are recommended to begin only after mandatory consultation with the attending physician in order to exclude unpleasant surprises.
  2. Visiting a sauna or a sauna is best not more than once a week. In this case, be sure to bring along accompanying in case of sudden weakness or dizziness.
  3. Do not stay in the steam room for more than 15-20 minutes.
  4. Drink as much liquid as possible during the procedure, preferably water, decoction of wild rose or berry fruit.
  5. When you leave the bath room, immediately cool the body, but remember that the water should not be icy, but have room temperature.
  6. Be sure to use a bath hat to prevent overheating, which can lead to a fainting condition.
  7. Do not forget that the bath in the early stages of pregnancy, when only the fetal system is being formed, is extremely undesirable.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, staying in a room with a high temperature is not recommended, as this increases the elasticity of the corresponding muscles and this can provoke premature birth.


In some cases, a visit to the steam room is dangerous for the health of the future mother. Considering why pregnant women can not go to the bath, we will highlight the most important reasons: hypertension, hypertension of the uterus, severe toxicosis, the threat of miscarriage and pregnancy disruptions in the anamnesis.