Catheterization of the urinary bladder in women - algorithm

Under the catheterization of the urinary bladder in women, the algorithm of which will be considered below, understand the procedure of excretion of accumulated urine. A kind of sterile tube, with a soft tip, is used - a catheter. Its diameter can be different and selected according to the size of the urethral opening . Such a procedure can be prescribed and, if necessary, the introduction of a drug solution into the bladder with a disease of the genitourinary system.

Technique of catheterization of the bladder

This medical manipulation is carried out most often by nurses. Only when using a catheter with a metal tip is the procedure performed by a doctor.

First, according to the algorithm of actions, before the catheterization of the bladder in women, hand treatment with antiseptic (for example, 9.5% chlorhexidine) is performed. After that, the nurse prepares a sterile tray in which a catheter is removed from the bix (using reusable catheters) or from a package (in the case of a disposable).

The injected end of the medinstrument is abundantly watered with sterile glycerin or vaseline oil. At the same time, sterile balls, napkins and tweezers are placed on the tray. The balls are moistened with a solution of furacilin. Also, prepare a Janet syringe with a solution of furacilin, heated to 37 degrees in a water bath.

After the completion of the preparatory phase, proceed to the procedure. The toilet of the external genitalia is carried out, and the patient is washed with warm water. After that, between the legs bent and explored, they establish a ship.

The nurse is on the right of the patient and puts a sterile napkin on her pubis. At the same time, the fingers of the left hand are bred by small labia, and taking in the right hand with a pair of tweezers a ball with furatsilinom - they treat the external aperture of the urethra. After that, the catheter is taken with forceps, grabbing it 4-5 cm from the inserted end. The free part is supported by 4 and 5 fingers of the right hand.

The rounded end of the catheter is rotated, translationally moved to a depth of 4-5 cm in the lumen of the urethra. The appearance of urine indicates that the catheter is inserted correctly and reached the cavity of the bladder.

After the urine ceases to stand out, a Janet syringe is attached to the catheter and a solution of furacilin is slowly injected into the bladder. After this, disconnect the syringe and direct the end of the catheter into the vessel. In this way, the bladder cavity is rinsed.

After the end of the rinse, the catheter is removed by rotational movements, while pressing the left hand on the lower abdomen.

At the end of the procedure, according to the technique of conducting a bladder catheterization in women, the urethral opening is re-treated with a cotton ball with furatsilinom.