Duck eggs are good and bad

By the size of duck eggs more chicken by about 30 grams. Their weight is on the average from 80 to 100 grams. Color duck eggs is very different. They can be either white or with a bluish tint, and even light green. In comparison with a chicken egg, the duck egg is more caloric and is about 185 kcal per 100 grams of the product, and also contains more protein and has a higher fat content , respectively, is more nutritious.

Can I eat duck eggs?

Nutritionists say that duck eggs are a very useful product, which deserves special attention. To use them in raw form is not recommended. Cook duck eggs need a long, at least 10 minutes. This is due to the fact that they are highly susceptible to infection with salmonella. To avoid contamination, these eggs are better to buy directly from farmers. Having got them from the refrigerator, it is necessary to cool to room temperature and wash thoroughly with soap. Duck eggs are always dirtier than chickens, since the duck has more moisture from the body.

Duck egg composition

Both protein and yolk of duck eggs contain a large amount of fats, so you can not consider this product as dietary, however, this does not mean that duck eggs do not have useful properties. With moderate use, the benefits of duck eggs are obvious. It contains proteins, useful minerals and essential amino acids. This product is rich in phosphorus, calcium, iron and many other minerals. It contains vitamins B6, B12, vitamin A, folic acid. Because of the high content of fats and cholesterol, you should not eat duck eggs more than twice a week.

The benefits and harm of duck eggs

The first thing that useful duck eggs is the content of a large amount of protein, which is the building material of the human body. These proteins are split into a balanced composition amino acids . Protein eggs duck is easily absorbed by the body, which helps improve metabolism. The above minerals in the composition of these eggs contribute to the maintenance of the teeth and bones. Thanks to the vitamins contained in this product - the body's immunity improves, and folic acid improves the work of the brain.

Contraindications to the consumption of duck eggs are associated only with their fat content. If you limit the use of these eggs a few pieces a week - they will not do any harm.