Salad with boiled chicken

Chicken salad is an excellent low-calorie, but at the same time very nutritious dish. For its preparation use chicken white meat, mixed with other ingredients. Cooked chicken works well with cheese, vegetables, rice, mushrooms, nuts, apples and other ingredients, so you can fantasize with this product indefinitely. Let's find out with you some salad recipes with boiled chicken.

Simple salad with boiled chicken


For refueling:


Breast boil in salted water, carefully separate the meat and cut it into small cubes. Pork cabbage is rinsed, dried and shredded with small straws. Cucumbers, tomatoes and Bulgarian peppers are crushed, onion is cut into half rings, and corn is made with circles. We shift all the ingredients into a deep bowl and water the pre-made dressing. To make it, mix lemon juice, mustard, oil and put a little salt. The finished salad is decorated with basil and served on the table.

Puff pastry with boiled chicken



So, first we prepare all the ingredients necessary for a salad. Chicken fillet is cooked until ready in salted water and we disassemble the meat into fibers. Onions are cleaned, shredded in half rings and poured cold water to leave all the bitterness. We peel the apple from the skin and rub it on the grater. Eggs are hard boiled, cooled and cleaned from the shell. Now spread the salad layers, promazyvaya each mayonnaise, in the following order: first a layer of boiled chicken meat, then onions, grated cheese, apple and grated eggs. After that, we grease the whole salad on top and on the sides with mayonnaise and give it a cake shape. Now take the crackers, break them, push them into the crumb and sprinkle abundantly on the top and sides. To salad from the boiled chicken breast soaked well, we remove it for 2 - 3 hours in the refrigerator. A ready-made salad with chicken is ready!

Delicious salad with boiled chicken


For refueling:


So, first we will pickle onions with you. To do this, we clean the bulb from the husk and thinly cut into half rings. Then transfer into a deep cup, add the wine vinegar and pour boiling water until the onion is completely covered with liquid. Next, take the chicken fillet, rub it with salt and pepper to taste and fry in a pan with a grill, sprinkled with vegetable oil.

Finished breasts cut into small cubes. Next, clean the orange and cut each slice into 4 parts. Feta cheese is crushed in cubes. Now we take a la carte plates, we cover them with torn leaves with lettuce leaves. Top spread chicken fillet, marinated onions, cheese and orange. That's almost all! It remains only to make a dressing: mix wine vinegar, olive oil, squeezed garlic and mustard. We pour each serving of salad dressing and serve the dish to the table!

To diversify your holiday table we offer to make a salad with chicken and grapes , we are sure that your guests will certainly like it.