How is ureaplasmosis transmitted?

Ureaplasma is a bacterium that is natural for the human body. Ureaplasmosis as a disease is diagnosed when the threshold of bacteria concentration is considered to be the norm for a healthy person. When considering the question of how ureaplasmosis is transmitted, physicians identify two ways:

Types of sexual transmission of the disease

Calling the way of transmission of ureaplasma, the main doctors consider a normal sexual act, highlighting it as a priority. Recent research in this area shows that there is a small percentage of possible infections with oral and anal contact. And this is the answer to the frequently asked question whether the ureaplasma is transmitted through a kiss. If before the kiss there was no oral contact with the genitals, then do not worry about whether the ureaplasma is transmitted through saliva. When vaginal intercourse is always worth using a condom, especially with occasional connections , because the ureaplasma through the condom is not transmitted.

In any case, bacteria attach to the mucosa locally - where there was contact. When the ureaplasma is transmitted by the oral route, the doctors note the occurrence of angina or other diseases of the oral cavity.

There is a difference in the transmission of ureaplasmosis in men and women, among the weaker sex more carriers of infection. And although most often ureaplasma is transmitted sexually, in women, as a consequence of the structure of the sexual organs, there is a risk of so-called vertical infection.

Types of the incomplete transmission pathway

The main type of non-sexual way of transmission of ureaplasma is labor, when infection can infect a newborn. In addition, the first trimester of pregnancy is also a fairly critical period, because at this time the infection can penetrate through a dense yet placenta. That is why, when planning a pregnancy, it is worth to pass tests and carry out treatment in case of a positive result.

Considering the question, whether the ureaplasma is transmitted by the household way, then it is worthwhile to know that such a transmission path is possible, although it is not preferable. Some doctors generally consider such a transmission route unproven. Rather, we can talk about the possibility of activating the bacteria with the transferred stresses, diseases, another sexual infection - that is, with any decrease in immunity. And yet you should know that ureaplasma is transmitted primarily through sexual contact, all other cases of this disease have a very low percentage.