Basal temperature

The term "basal temperature" is usually understood to mean its lowest value. It is an indicator of changes occurring in the female's internal genitalia, which is observed under the influence of hormone production. Correct measurement of this gives the woman the opportunity to determine the beginning of the ovulation process and its duration with a high degree of probability.

How correctly to measure basal temperature?

Even those women who know what basal temperature means, do not always understand how to correctly identify it.

The most acceptable option for setting the values ​​is to measure its readings in the rectum, i.e. by inserting a thermometer into the anus. In doing so, be sure to observe the following rules:

  1. All measurements are taken exclusively in the morning, after waking up and before ascending from the bed, if possible in the same interval. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the fact that this moment must be preceded by a prolonged, without awakening, sleep (about 6 hours).
  2. Manipulation should be carried out exclusively in the supine position.
  3. In order to avoid errors, it is best to use the same measuring device permanently.
  4. The duration of the basal temperature measurement should be at least 5 minutes.

Start measuring and fixing values ​​best from the first day of the cycle. If we talk about what it is necessary to measure the basal temperature, then the most appropriate device is an ordinary, mercury thermometer. It is also possible to use electronic analogs, but due to their design features, they often show erroneous temperatures.

How to correctly evaluate the measurement results?

After understanding how and when to measure basal temperature, a woman should be able to correctly evaluate the values ​​obtained. In this case, it is best to rely on the temperature graph of the normal menstrual cycle.

So, during monthly periods, the temperature from the first to the last day of discharge constantly decreases, from 37 to 36.3-36.5 degrees. Approximately up to the middle of the duration of the menstrual cycle, the normal temperature is usually 36-36.5. At the time when the process of maturation of the egg, there is an increase in temperature indicators to 37-37.4. As a rule, such values ​​indicate that at the moment ovulation is observed.

In phase 2 of the cycle, the basal temperature is within 37-37.5 degrees, and only 2 days before the onset of menstruation begins to decrease.

What can the deviation of indicators from the norm say?

The above data are indicators of the norm. However, in practice, the temperature can vary significantly. That is why, it is very important to know what the change in basal temperature generally speaks about, and what affects it.

So, for example, a slight decrease, up to 36.5 basal temperatures before menstruation and raising it above 37-37.2 can speak of the presence of endometritis.

In those cases when the increase in temperature indicators is observed in the follicular phase of the cycle, there is a shortage of estrogens in the body.

Changes in temperature may be a sign of pregnancy. So, if the girl has a delay in menstruation, and the basal temperature at the same time for 10-14 days is kept at the level of 36.8-37, then it will not be superfluous to make a pregnancy test. Further, throughout the entire gestation period, the temperature is also increased, since the yellow body intensively produces the hormone progesterone.