The Zimnitsky sample

It is widely known that kidney diseases are extremely dangerous for health and even human life. In connection with this, scientists have developed several methods by which it is possible to monitor the condition and operation of these organs. To date, the most informative way to determine such a function of the kidneys as the ability to concentrate and isolate urine is Zimnitsky's trial.

Urine sample in Zimnickiy

The Zimnitsky test is successfully used in urology for a long time, as it allows to assess the concentration ability of the kidneys, to reveal and track the dynamics of renal failure , and also to check the operation of the cardiovascular system. The method of Zimnitsky's test determines the relative density of urine, or rather the substances dissolved in it, such as nitrogenous compounds, organic substances and salts. The study of urine in the Zimnitsky trial is carried out with daily, night and daily portions.

Zimnitsky's trial - how to collect the material?

To conduct the analysis as accurately as possible, you must adhere to certain rules. The algorithm for how to collect urine correctly for Zimnitsky's trial is approximately this:

  1. To begin with, you need to prepare 8 clean jars for the material.
  2. The first time you need to urinate at six in the morning in the toilet.
  3. Further the urination is carried out in the first jar at 9 o'clock, and then in each subsequent container with an interval of three hours. That is, the last portion of urine should be collected at six o'clock the next morning.
  4. In this case, the amount of liquid consumed during the day is fixed, which should be used in the usual mode.
  5. The resulting material is delivered to the laboratory.
  6. It is important to note that before taking a urinalysis in the Zimnitsky trial, stop taking diuretics.

Zimnitsky's trial: transcript

The interpretation of the obtained results of urine analysis in Zimnitsky's trial is estimated by means of a comparison with the norms of the norm. So, for a healthy person is characteristic:

  1. The volume of daily portions of urine is 200-350 ml.
  2. At night, this figure varies from 40 to 220 ml.
  3. The normal relative density of urine during the day is in the range of 1010-1025, at night - 1018-1025.
  4. The volume of the allocated urine in norm makes 70-75% from the drunk liquid, thus two thirds of all diuresis occur at daytime.

If the indicators go beyond the normal limits, then it is a pathological process, for example, a violation of the concentration ability of the kidneys indicates an equal amount of excreted urine for daytime and nighttime. Also, low relative density of urine testifies to renal insufficiency. In medical practice, this pathology is called hypostenuria. In addition, a decrease in the density of urine is noted when:

To disrupt the adaptive function of the kidneys, the same volume of urine is characteristic throughout the day.

If, after carrying out the sample according to Zimnitsky, an increased urine density is found, then the following diseases can be assumed:

Exact analysis of the results of the Zimnitsky trial can only be done by the attending physician, based on the attendant symptoms, examination, and other methods of investigation.