Analysis of spermatozoa

Among the so-called markers that determine the fertility of male ejaculate, it is important to pay attention to the analysis of the fragmentation of sperm DNA (genetic analysis of sperm). The whole point is that the integrity of these structures in male germ cells ensures the proper course of the process of transferring genetic material to offspring. Let's talk about this kind of research in more detail and dwell on the main indications for its conduct, as well as the specifics of preparation for it.

In what cases is this type of study assigned?

Analysis of sperm DNA fragmentation is not assigned to all men. As a rule, his help is used in the following cases:

When evaluating the analysis, the result is calculated as a percentage. So, with 30% violation of DNA integrity and more, a diagnosis of infertility is made. In healthy men, the sperm of which has a high fertility, this figure does not exceed 15%. It should be noted that this study differs from the analysis on the motility of spermatozoa, which is performed with a spermogram.

For what reasons can an increase in DNA fragmentation occur in spermatozoa?

The reasons for increasing the indicator considered in this article are quite numerous. Moreover, in some cases, doctors have not been able to establish, which led to a violation in a particular situation. Usually among the factors that cause an increase in DNA fragmentation located in male germ cells, the following are distinguished:

How is this kind of research conducted?

After treatment of the ejaculate with special reagents, it is evaluated under a microscope with a large increase. In this case, the lab worker calculates cells with fragmented and unfragmented DNA.

Preparation for the analysis of sperm involves abstaining from sexual intercourse for at least 3-5 days before the test. In addition, doctors also advise to refrain from exposing the body to high temperatures, i.e. from visiting the sauna, bath. If a man takes any medications for the treatment of concomitant disorders, it is absolutely necessary to inform the doctor who prescribes the study.

Deciphering such an analysis of sperm is not difficult, but it should be done exclusively by a specialist. The thing is that the evaluation of the result must be carried out taking into account the general condition of the male reproductive system.

To date, there are many medical and genetic centers that carry out this type of research. Therefore, when experts answer the question of where you can sperm for analysis, doctors offer the man several options. In large cities and regional centers, as a rule, there are several health facilities involved in conducting ejaculate research on DNA fragmentation.