How to deal with cow-weavers?

The appearance of weeds in the garden or in the garden is quite normal and natural phenomenon. Another thing is that in the fight against certain plants, horticulturists have to spend a large number of forces. To such "harmful" weeds is also cow-breamer. It is a fairly large plant, up to 3 m in height (depending on the variety) with large triple yellow-green leaves. Especially noteworthy are the inflorescences of the hogweed - in the shape of an umbrella up to 30-50 cm in diameter with pink or white flowers. Despite the external appeal, many consider the plant to be dangerous and take serious measures to destroy it, though not always successfully. We will tell you, is a weed harmfully and how to deal with cow-beetroot?

Than the cow-bearer is dangerous?

In general, some varieties of weed are useful: they are used as feed (silage) in agriculture and for landscaping of plots. But there are varieties of cowworm are quite poisonous for both humans and animals. The fact is that during active vegetation, substances that are photosensitizing agents of plant origin - furanocoumarins - accumulate in large quantities in plant juice. This means that when the juice of the cow-grass gets on the skin, they increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, photodermatitis can occur in the affected areas of the skin, which is expressed as burns with blisters filled with liquid. Since dangerous and non-dangerous species of weed are difficult to distinguish to the layman, the whole cow-man is subjected to destruction.

How to get rid of cow-beans?

Completely destroy this plant is quite difficult, because it is incredibly resistant to adverse environmental conditions and prolific. That is why the way to bring cowbler, for many presents a whole problem. However, there are methods that help to cope with malicious weed or at least reduce its distribution in your beds:

  1. Use of herbicides from cowworm (Tornado, Roundup, Hurricane, Gosorg, Zero). This method is quite effective in cases where you have found single plants. The treatment should be carried out until the seeds appear on the weed, otherwise the next year you will have thickets of hogweed. Having chopped the plant at the root, its stump should be filled with a herbicide and closed tightly with a packet. The cut parts of the hogweed are recommended to be burned. Such a remedy for hogweed in case of growth is less effective, because the seeds appear in weeds at different times.
  2. Destruction of hogweed by mowing or cutting. This method only temporarily helps to weaken the spread of weed, the cow-breamer will appear on the site for more than one year.
  3. Burning hogweed. It is carried out at the stage of growth until buds appear. Plants should be treated with combustible material (eg, gasoline) and gently ignited.
  4. Seeding of the site. This is one of the most effective ways to combat hogweed. It is carried out immediately after mowing the weed. The site needs to be covered with geotissue, and the top layer of the earth should be 5-6 cm. Note that the new soil should be from the place where the cow-sower did not grow exactly. Then in this land you can sow lawn grass.
  5. In how to destroy cow's cow, clearly cover the area with a thick black film. When the snow comes off in the early spring, it should be spread on the place where you usually grow a weed, and fill it with earth or crush something heavy. Because of the lack of sunlight, the shoots of the cowworm will die. Filming is recommended at the end of June.

We hope that the proposed advice will help you overcome this insistent weed. However, do not forget to use the protection of open areas of the skin with direct contact with cow-eaters - remember, its juice is toxic.