Douching soda with thrush

Probably, every woman in her life at least once met with thrush. And the first help that can be done at home is douching soda. In this article, we will try to answer the most common questions related to the treatment of thrush with soda.

Does soda help the thrush?

Douching with soda is considered one of the most proven methods in combating thrush, as it cleans the vagina of foreign fungi and bacteria. Fungi of the genus Candida feel great in the acidic environment of the vagina. The easiest way to convert an acidic environment is alkaline - syringing with soda. A solution of soda with thrush destroys the fungus, preventing its development. It destroys fungal microfiber and, thus, suppresses the disease. In addition, syringing soda removes the external symptoms of the disease: it reduces itching and eliminates unpleasant vaginal discharge.

How to make syringing soda?

In order to make a solution for syringing, you need to dilute a teaspoon of soda in 0.5 liters of warm boiled water. Stir the solution thoroughly until all the particles have dissolved. Douching is conveniently done with a syringe, sitting on the toilet with legs wide apart. In this position, the vagina will not be located vertically, but horizontally, so the syringe should be carefully inserted parallel to the seat. Introduce a solution of soda without hurrying, washing all the cottage cheese. After the procedure, the syringe should be disinfected with a weak solution of manganese, and the spout, which is introduced into the vagina, must be rubbed with alcohol. Follow the procedure should be 2 times a day for several days.

Is it possible to cure thrush with soda?

If a woman has good immunity, there is no allergy to soda, and she does not take birth control pills, that is a great chance to cure thrush with soda douche. But usually doctors prescribe syringing with soda, as part of a complex treatment for thrush. Douching is more effective if performed in conjunction with antifungal drugs: suppositories, tablets, ointments. The result of syringing will intensify if you use ointments with nystatin or levorin after the procedure. An effective drug against thrush is flukostat.

Is it possible to treat thrush with soda during pregnancy?

Treating thrush with a solution of soda during pregnancy is possible, but many doctors are similar in opinion that it is not necessary to limit douche. One of the recommended ways to treat thrush during pregnancy are baths with a solution of soda and iodine. To prepare the solution, you need 1 tablespoon of soda and 1 teaspoon of iodine in 1 liter of boiled warm water. Pour the resulting solution into the pelvis and sit in it for 15-20 minutes. The procedure should be performed once a day for 2-3 days.

When can not treat thrush with douching?

Many doctors do not recommend douche to pregnant women, and syringing in the early stages can provoke miscarriage. It is not recommended to syringe women within a month after childbirth. Do not syringe with suds in the presence of sexual infections or with inflammation of the genitals. Do not douche if you are going to make a visit to the gynecologist, because the results of the studies will not be correct.

What should I remember when I treat a yeast infection with douching?

During douching procedures, soda is prescribed sexual dormancy for women, if this is not possible, the presence of a condom is mandatory. Women who treat thrush with douching should not drink alcohol, strong coffee and refrain from smoking. It is also not advisable to go to the sauna and bath.