Chaga mushroom - good and bad

Birch mushroom chaga is essentially a parasitic organism, which affects trees in places of cracks and fractures. However, this feature does not prevent the chaga from being an incredibly healthy product, which is capable of complex influence on the human body. About what the chaga mushroom is useful, and will be discussed in this article.

Useful properties of chaga mushroom

First of all, chaga is a source of a number of useful acids, phytoncides, flavonoids, fiber, tannins, resins and phenols. Minerals that are hidden in the chaga - manganese, copper, potassium, magnesium , cobalt, aluminum, iron, silver, zinc and nickel - are of particular benefit to the body.

Thanks to this composition, this fungus is able to restore the natural balance of the body and strengthen health, protect against microbes, provide spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and restoring effects. In addition, experts note the healing effect on the nervous system and the cure of gastrointestinal disorders.

If in general we talk about the benefits that the chaga fungus carries to the body, we can sum it up to such points:

It is worth noting that due to the enhancement of metabolic processes and the withdrawal of toxins, the body more easily parted with extra pounds during the reception of this remedy, which is why many use the mushroom for the chaga for weight loss.

Benefits and harm of Chaga mushroom

We are used to the fact that every remedy, even natural, has a lot of contraindications. However, this does not apply to chaga: it should not be taken unless only those who have an individual intolerance to the components of this miracle mushroom.

It is worth noting that instead of using the fungus will bring harm if you use it in excessive quantities - for example, you may develop increased excitability, rapid heart rate or pressure jumps.

Brewing chaga for maximum benefit must be strictly according to the rules: one part of the chaga is taken with 5 parts of water not hotter than 50 degrees, the mushroom is brewed in a thermos during the day, after which the drink can be filtered and consumed no more than 2 glasses per day.