Scarlet fever in children

Scarlet fever is called acute infectious disease, which is characterized by a combination of manifestations of influenza, angina with a rash on the body. This is a bacterial infection, and the causative agent of scarlet fever is a beta-hemolytic group A streptococcus. Children with scarlet fever, mostly from 1 to 10 years old, suffer from scarlet fever.

Scarlet fever in children up to a year is extremely rare, because they have antitoxic immunity from the mother. Infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, less often by contact with contaminated objects (for example, with toys).

Symptoms and signs of scarlet fever in children

The latent period of infection lasts from 3 to 7 days. Before the beginning of scarlet fever, the child's condition worsens dramatically: he becomes drowsy and sluggish. There are complaints of chills and headache. Body temperature rises from 38 ° С to 40 ° С. The first signs of scarlet fever include the appearance of vomiting and rashes all over the body: bright red dots appearing over the surface are visible on the reddened skin. Most of the rash on the face, areas with skin folds, lateral surfaces of the trunk. With red cheeks, the pale, unaffected nasolabial triangle contrasts sharply. In addition, the child can complain of the appearance of pain when swallowing - a manifestation of angina. The language of the patient acquires a bright red color. Rashes and fever last for several days. After 4-6 days, peeling appears on the skin at the site of the rash.

Due to the bright symptoms, the diagnosis of scarlet fever is not difficult, and no additional tests are required.

What is dangerous scarlet fever?

High fever, rash, pain in the throat - this, of course, is unpleasant. But the greatest danger is not the disease itself, but the complications to which it leads. The fact that the causative agent of the disease - streptococcus - for a long time is delayed and circulates throughout the body. One of the complications after scarlet fever include the spread of infection to the internal organs and tissues of the body: abscesses, inflammation of the lymph nodes (lymphadenitis), middle ear (otitis), kidneys (glomerulonephritis), joint membranes (synovitis). However, the most dangerous consequences of scarlet fever are heart damage (allergic myocarditis) and the development of rheumatism, which appear as a result of the spread of toxins that are produced by streptococci.

How to treat scarlet fever in children?

With a mild form of scarlet fever, treatment can take place at home. In severe cases, hospitalization is necessary. The first week of illness the patient needs a bed rest, and with the disappearance of acute manifestations, it is allowed to get up. It is equally important to adhere to a sparing diet with scarlet fever. Meat, fish, milk dishes, mashed potatoes, cereals, juices are allowed. Its essence is in the supply of warm food, wiped and cooked. Food should be semi-liquid or liquid. Compulsory is the drinking regime for removing toxins from the body.

How to treat scarlet fever with drugs? The doctor will prescribe antibacterial therapy. The antibiotics of the penicillin group are most often prescribed: for example, amoxiclav. If the penicillin group is intolerant, erythromycin is prescribed. In parallel with antimicrobial agents, antihistamines (tavegil, diazolin), preparations with calcium, vitamin C. The effect on the angina local - rinsing broths of herbs, a solution of furatsilina.

Usually parents are concerned about whether scarlet fever is contagious for other children? Of course, yes. A sick child is a danger to others. It must be isolated in a separate room for at least 10 days. It is often necessary to ventilate the room and allocate separate towels and dishes for the child.

Prevention of the disease is reduced to isolation of sick children, provision of sanitary-hygienic regime (ventilation, wet cleaning). Inoculations from scarlet fever have not been developed at the moment.