How to cook ribs?

Ribs, both beef and pork, do not recognize the rush: both to cook and marinade them should be long enough for hard meat to soften and fill with taste. The time spent will more than pay off a stunningly hearty meat meal, the ideal complement of which will be a glass of foam. On how to cook ribs, we will tell in recipes further.

How to cook beef ribs in the oven?

The classic addition of most recipes for ribs is a dense, lacquer layer of glaze, cooked on the basis of tomato sauce. We will try to revive the traditional recipe further, taking as a basis beef ribs.


For marinade:

For glaze:


Combine the spices from the ingredients list for marinade together. Rub the ribs with a dry seasoning and place on a baking sheet. Leave the beef in the oven at 120 degrees for 2 hours.

For glaze it is necessary to save pieces of onions in an abundance of butter, add tomato puree, honey, wooster and garlic. After a half-hour of light boiling, the sauce should be blended with a blender. Using a brush, spread the glaze over the surface of the ribs and leave them in the oven for another 4 hours, remembering to grease the meat hourly.

The remaining sauce should be applied to the fins after they have cooled.

How to prepare ribs in an oven with a potato?

Despite the fact that the ribs are prepared really long, the time to prepare dinner with them can really be saved if you bake the meat at once with vegetables. At the exit, both meat and garnish will reach an ideal readiness and tastefulness.



Rub dry beef ribs with a universal meat seasoning. Large pieces of vegetables spread on the bottom of the pan mixing with thyme leaves and pieces of butter. On top, arrange the rows of ribs and place in a preheated oven for 150 degrees for 3 hours.

If you are looking for recipes for how to cook ribs in a multivariate, then try this dish. After distributing all ingredients in the bowl of the device, set the "Quenching" mode for 3 hours, if necessary pour a small amount of liquid onto the bottom of the dish.

How delicious to cook stewed pork ribs?

Beer is not only an ideal addition to the ready-made pork ribs, but also suitable for their slow languishing. Classic Irish recipe will not leave indifferent any meat eater.


For marinade:


Slice the garlic and onion for the marinade and put them in a container along with the meat. Scrub a piece of beef with mustard and celery seeds, add a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper. Pour the contents of the dishes with beer and leave in the refrigerator for a day.

After a while, strain the marinade, and brown the meat with the rest of the vegetables. Mix the beer marinade with starch and tomato, pour into the meat and leave the dish to languish on low heat for about 4 hours.