What foods contain melanin?

In the human body, there are many substances that fulfill this or that function. An important role is played by melanin, which is responsible for protection from harmful ultraviolet rays. It is he who protects the skin from burns and turns the directed heat and energy of the Sun into a source of sunburn. Of course, each person has a long time in direct sunlight in his own way, so if it suddenly leads to burns, this indicates a lower level of this pigment.

What foods contain melanin?

We are used to meeting information that certain products contain the necessary substances. Nevertheless, when asked what melanin contains, many find it difficult to answer. This is understandable, because, as it turned out, this pigment is not found in food, it is produced by the body itself, and a person is only able to help his education. As it turned out, for the appearance of a sufficient amount of melanin, it is necessary to pay attention to those products containing amino acids such as tryptophan and tyrosine. Their synthesis guarantees the production of this substance in the right quantities. The diet should include many products in equal proportions, because you can not leave the body without any useful vitamins.

The first amino acid, which helps to produce melanin, is found in such products as nuts, dates and brown rice.

As for tyrosine, it can be found in food of animal and vegetable origin (meat, fish, fruits). Together they can be found in bananas and peanuts. In order for melanin to appear in the body in time, you need to pay attention to food, which contains a combination of certain vitamins. Usually it is about cereals, greenery, orange fruits and vegetables, in which you can find vitamins A , B10, C, E and carotene.

All this in combination will help a person raise the level of melanin in their own body.