How to remove spools from a coat?

Unfortunately, sometimes clothes lose their original appearance after an undue socks. Pellets are a sort of dead tissue layer, professionals use the term "peel". Dry cleaning is the last resort in the fight against the problem. There are many improvised ways to remove the spools from the fabric of the coat.

The causes of the appearance of spools on clothes

The most susceptible to damage are knitwear and wool , to which synthetic fibers are added. On natural cotton, sawflow does not appear. The cause of damage is frequent friction of the fabric with other surfaces, including, and with itself (when washing). Improper care of clothes (use of unsuitable powder, improper temperature regime), long pulling of threads in the material, "looseness" of the fabric - all this can lead to the formation of pellets. The remedy for pellets on clothes directly depends on the manufacturer's requirements for its care. Pay attention to the label on the wrong side.

Learning to fight "rolling"

The safest is the removal of spools from clothing, carpets , upholstered furniture with a special machine. The device works from batteries: bring the device to the right place and the job is done. The main thing to clean the container, where the spools are transferred after cleaning. The cost depends on the speed of rotation of the blades in the body itself.

A good alternative is a shaving machine. Preferably, it is dulled, then the fabric of the coat will not be damaged. The removal of spools from clothing begins with the collar, moving down. After working with the "back", proceed to the sleeves and the front part.

You can use ordinary scotch. Wrap the palm of your hand, leaving the sticky side on the outside, then slide it over the fabric. To qualitatively collect dust and nap, you can use a special roller to clean the coat or small sandpaper.

Remember, that the fabric remained presentable longer, more often put on its surface antistatic.