Privorot on sex

Sex is one of the important components of the relationship between a man and a woman. Thanks to him, many representatives of the weaker sex can tie a man to him for a long time. But if there is no natural inclination, you can apply a love spell to a man, although first of all you need to think about the possible consequences.

What are spells?

The man's spell on sex is considered the most innocuous ritual, although it refers to black magic . In general, there are 2 types of spell:

  1. The first option - sexual attachment is aimed at causing a partner sexual attraction, but no more. In this case, there will be no complications.
  2. A stronger love spell on sex is called Egypt. Thanks to him, a man will have a desire only for a certain object, to other women it will be absent. In fact, this option causes impotence in men in relation to other women. This can provoke the emergence of serious problems, for example, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.

The first version of the spell, some psychics recommend to apply to all women who felt that their partner had cooled to them.

Strong love spell on sex on a growing moon

The ritual is best suited for Friday. For him you need to take 2 red candles and a photo of a man whom you will be fascinating. To strengthen the spell, you can use the thing that a man uses. Before you start the ritual, take a relaxing bath and ensure complete silence in the house.

One candle light and put it next to you, put a photo next to it, which you need to constantly look at. The second candle and the thing of a man pick up and during the ritual stroke them, as if caressing your lover. During this, say:

"In the sea, the oxen on the island of Buyan burns the stone of Alatyr, the burning does not burn, so does the servant of God ... (name) burns, glows, does not burn out, to me, the servant of God ... (name) does not forget the road. Be my word for ever and ever. Amen"

To spell exactly worked, repeat the spell until the candle burns completely. The second candle should be burned in the presence of a charmer and preferably in the near future. To warm up the desire of his lover, arrange for him romantic evenings and sexual surprises.