How to clean a mango?

Have got mango, and how to clean it, from which side do you not approach the fetus? And so this handsome fruit lies on the table and tease red (green) - yellow side? No, this is not the case, you need to quickly figure out how to properly clean the mango, although, whether it is necessary, can it be eaten with a peel, how beautiful?

Do I need to clean mangoes?

Everyone knows that the mango pulp is very rich in various useful substances. But is there something useful in the skin of the mango and, if there is, should it be cleaned? Yes, there are a lot of useful substances in the skin of mango, it is even used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. But it will be hard to eat (torture to chew), and it has a specific taste, not everyone likes. In addition, the peel of mango is an allergen (with many people allergic can easily eat pulp) and people prone to such reactions should not use it. Therefore, if you suffer from any kind of allergy, then you will need to clean the mango, and better with gloves.

How to properly clean the mango?

  1. Ripe mango fruit is difficult to clean, it is painful it is juicy, but there is still a way, and not one.
  2. The first simplest way is to peel the mango with a knife, like a potato, and eat like an apple. But in this case, the sweet and sticky mango juice will be everywhere: on the hands, face, clothes and furniture. And the strings that remain from the peel of mango, and strive to get stuck between the teeth. True, this method of eating mangoes is still used, it is very difficult to resist and not to eat a juicy fruit at once, but to waste time on its tedious cutting.
  3. Another way to clean mangoes involves a more civilized absorption. For this, we cut off the fetus on both sides of the fetus, trying to make it as close as possible to the bone. The remaining pieces of mangoes are also cut off on the sides, we send the stone to the garbage. On the halves of the mango, make a cross-cut incision, trying not to cut the skin. Then we turn the lobule, we'll get a kind of orange hedgehog. Now cut the cubes of mango carefully from the skin and spread on a plate. It is important that all work is carried out on a bowl (plate), so that the glass juice is not wasted. And choose a knife that is sharper, it will be easier for them to do all the manipulations with the fruit.
  4. If you have a very ripe and soft mango fruit, then it will not be easy to clean it with the above methods. But such a mango can be eaten with a spoon, scooping the flesh from a skewer-peel. To do this, with a sharp knife, we cut the fruit around the stone, trying to cut the flesh to the bone from the first time, so that the fruit does not crumple. Now gently divide the fruit into halves and eat mango with a spoon. Just do not forget to do all these operations on a plate - mango fruit is extremely juicy. And this way of cutting mango is suitable only for very ripe and soft fruits, a harder fruit will not succumb to your efforts to disassemble it in half. And as a result, you get a squirt of juice and unpurified fruit in the center.
  5. Another way to cope with a soft and very ripe fruit is to simply cut the fruit into pieces. Only in this case the whole pieces will be difficult to keep, so this method is used if you want to include the pulp of mango in the composition of some dish. Cut the mangoes into slices, clean the pulp with a spoon and send it to the blender to cook some sauce.
  6. If the fruit you have caught ripe, but not very soft, you can try to clean it as follows. We take the potato peeler and clear the whole fruit, starting from the top. After a small knife, cut out the slices of the fruit, cutting the flesh to the bone. Thus we cut all the flesh in a circle. If the peel is behind with difficulty and a lot of juice is allocated, it is better to try another method, probably this fruit is too ripe for such cleansing.