
Kinesiotherapy is the Latin name of a certain rehabilitation system in physiotherapy. In translation - treatment by movement, and, in fact, the translation absolutely corresponds to reality. Kinesiotherapy is a combination of various aspects of the relationship between the patient and the therapist.

First of all, it's not even physical exercises, but psychology, because patients often have to do exercises through pain, overcoming their own fear of treatment. This aspect actually plays a decisive role in the recovery process.

What does the method consist of?

The method itself, in addition to the psychology mentioned, includes knowledge from the biochemistry, physiology and anatomy of a person. Kinesiotherapy involves an individual set of exercises for each patient, depending on the patient's condition, age, physical abilities and other things.

The treatment process consists of active and passive movements. Active kinesiotherapy is when the patient himself performs movements, and the passive one is a method of treatment using motor mechanisms or massage.

Active kinesiotherapy consists of therapeutic physical education and outdoor games for children. One of the most famous varieties of exercise therapy is the method of Bubnovsky. Professor Bubnovsky developed a system of ideal, in terms of biomechanics, exercises that patients perform in group sessions or on a special MTB simulator.

Exercises in kinesiotherapy - that's not all. The method also implies proper nutrition, breathing and water procedures. It would seem that such a "harmless" way can not achieve a serious result, but the condition of patients from employment to employment improves, their physical strength grows and fear of movement disappears.

Isometric kinesiotherapy

Isometric kinesiotherapy is a branch of kinesiotherapy, in which a variety of diseases are treated by movement. First of all, these are degenerative changes of the spine, including osteochondrosis and disc herniation. In the process of treatment, the muscular corset, the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall is strengthened, the spine prepares for strength exercises, as well as for ordinary household loads. During rehabilitation, neuroses are also treated and tension is removed from the patient's psyche.

All isometric kinesiotherapy exercises are designed to relieve spasm from the tonic muscles. Tonic muscles are a group of muscles responsible for maintaining the posture, for muscle tone. These muscles work when we sit, stand, perform a static exercise. Long sitting at the computer, from month to month, from year to year increases the tension in these muscles, as a result - they do not relax even in a dream, and after awakening we feel stiffness, heaviness, numbness in the limbs.

Thanks to kinesiotherapy, stress is relieved by overexertion and relaxation. The result of treatment is, first of all, relieving tension, strengthening the muscles, forming a beautiful posture and giving the spine a healthy flexibility and mobility of the joints.

The first arrival to the kinesiologist

During the first meeting with the doctor, an analysis of the general condition of the patient is carried out, the available motor stereotype is evaluated. The doctor explains, as a result of which an abnormal load caused a violation of the musculoskeletal system. Further, a set of exercises kinesiotherapy in the home, as well as more complex exercises for performing outpatient, under the supervision of a doctor-motorist.

In the classroom

For kynzioterapii (group or individual) you will need comfortable shoes and a tracksuit that does not hamper movements. Shoes can be special, curative, but this is for the purpose of the treating rehabilitologist. In addition, often classes include water treatments and you will need a towel and bathing suit.