How to sleep during pregnancy?

The most complete rest the human body receives during sleep. With the onset of sleep, the process of cell renewal starts, and the body is filled with vital energy.

For pregnant women, sleep is very important, since during pregnancy, the load on various organs and systems is increased. Therefore, a woman during pregnancy constantly wants to sleep, especially in the first months.

A normal night's sleep for a pregnant woman should be 8-9 hours, about as long as the body needs to regain its strength. Lack of sleep during pregnancy can lead to increased irritability, rapid fatigue and a depletion of the nervous system. The future mother is recommended to go to bed no later than 11 am, and wake up around 7 am.

But, unfortunately not all mothers can afford such an uninterrupted sleep. Someone goes to bed earlier, some later, and some may even suffer from insomnia. It also happens that sleep disturbances are manifested as restless sleep due to unpleasant dreams, because of what, a woman can wake up just in the middle of the night.

In a dream during pregnancy, there are orgasms, which can also be a reason for waking from sleep, but agree, this is a pleasant reason!

What do the dreams of pregnant women say?

Often pregnant women have nightmares that are capable of provoking insomnia. This is due to changes in life and in the family, especially if a woman is visited by anxious feelings or fear of giving birth. This usually happens when a woman is waiting for the first child.

Over time, when a woman gets used to her new condition, and stops worrying, more pleasant and positive dreams will begin to dream of her.

How to sleep properly during pregnancy?

Many future mothers are interested in such questions: how to sleep properly during pregnancy, on which side and much more. We will answer all questions concerning sleep of pregnant women.

In the early stages of pregnancy, when the uterus is small and protected by pubic bone, you can sleep in any position convenient for you. But over time, the dream of a pregnant woman will become restless, because of the inconvenience of the pose. When the stomach becomes more palpable, and the mammary glands become sensitive to squeezing, the usual postures for sleep will have to be discarded, since they can cause considerable discomfort and discomfort during sleep.

If you liked to sleep before a pregnancy on your stomach, then this posture will have to be replaced. Due to the constantly growing abdomen, you will feel yourself lying on the ball. It will be much more convenient to lie on one side curled up around your future baby. Sleep on the abdomen during pregnancy becomes impossible already in the second trimester, because by about the fifth month the stomach is so enlarged that it simply prevents you from sleeping in the habitual position for you, it is also dangerous to sleep on your stomach at this time, because of too much pressure on fetus.

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is much more convenient than on your stomach. But sleeping on your back during pregnancy is fraught with such consequences as back pain, exacerbation of hemorrhoids, difficulty breathing and circulation, as well as lowering blood pressure.

Lying on your back during pregnancy is extremely dangerous, because the mass of the pregnant uterus is located on the spine, intestines and inferior vena cava, responsible for the return of blood from the lower body to the heart.

The most suitable position for sleeping during pregnancy is the position on the left side. In this position, the flow of blood to the place where the baby is located improves, the work of the kidneys improves, which helps to reduce the swelling of the legs and hands. In this position, for convenience, often put your foot on the leg, or put between your legs a pillow or a folded blanket. If you woke up at night in some other position, immediately turn over to the left side. This is an excellent position for a good sleep, favorably affecting the future mother and her baby.