Chicken fillet with broccoli and bell pepper

Both chicken fillet and broccoli cabbage are extremely useful products and perfectly complement each other in joint culinary dishes. We recommend to complement the duet with Bulgarian pepper, which will have a very positive effect on both taste and flavor of the dishes.

Broccoli salad with chicken and bell pepper



  1. For the preparation of salad from chicken fillet and broccoli according to this recipe meat can be boiled until ready in salted water with the addition of spices, so it will be more useful. But it is more delicious if you cook chicken in a whole piece on vegetable oil, before ham salting and pepper.
  2. Ready for the flesh of the bird cut into small slabs and put into a bowl.
  3. Boil also for five minutes and inflorescences of broccoli, without forgetting while water salt.
  4. Washed and dried tomatoes and pulp of Bulgarian pepper shredded slices and straws, respectively, and garlic cloves are cut with a knife as small as possible.
  5. Mix the prepared ingredients of the salad in a bowl, add the light mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste and mix.

Chicken fillet with broccoli and bell pepper on a frying pan - recipe



  1. Initially, shredded cubes or quarter-rings peeled bulbs and spread the resulting mass in a sunflower or olive oil heated in a deep frying pan or sauton.
  2. While the onions are fried, cut the pulp of Bulgarian pepper into straws and send it to the bowl to the onions.
  3. After five minutes, we put grated fresh tomatoes on the grater and let the content of the container for a couple of minutes.
  4. We podsalivayem podzharku, pepper and add to it chopped small pieces of small chicken fillet and inflorescences of broccoli.
  5. We let them boil, mix it gently, cover it with a lid and simmer on moderate heat for about fifteen minutes. If desired, you can add a few minutes before the end of cooking, crushed garlic denticle and chopped fresh herbs.

Chicken fillet with broccoli and bell pepper - recipe in oven



  1. To start, we boil for five minutes, disassembled on inflorescences of broccoli and fry cut into small slices of chicken breast on vegetable oil, without forgetting the meat pre-salt and pepper.
  2. At the end of the frying, add to the frying pan cleaned and finely chopped garlic teeth.
  3. Separately we also fry the pulp of Bulgarian pepper cut with straws on sunflower oil.
  4. Now we prepare sauce in a separate saucepan. We melt butter peasant creamy and fry in it a couple of tablespoons of wheat flour.
  5. When passevka gets a beautiful cream color, pour in the milk, while intensively stirring the contents of the frying pan.
  6. Salting sauce, pepper and, if desired, add spices and spices to your taste. You can mix a little fresh greens in the creamy mass.
  7. At the final stage of cooking, we spread out chicken meat, broccoli and Bulgarian pepper, pour everything with the prepared sauce and sprinkle with grated hard cheese.
  8. We send the culinary composition to the oven heated to 200 degrees and let it brown for fifteen minutes.