
Oyacodone is a dish of Japanese cuisine that is an omelette with chicken and onions, laid out over a bowl of boiled rice. This dish was created thanks to the observation of the hostess of one of the Japanese restaurants, whose clients poured a half-eaten chicken with a raw egg and ate together with rice. A new, simple, but very tasty dish spread throughout Japan, and then throughout the world.

In this article, we will learn how to prepare the oyacodon independently by the original Japanese recipe.

Oyacodone - prescription



Before you cook the oyacodone, you need to boil the rice as you normally do. While the groats are brewed, chicken meat is cut into strips with a thickness of 2.5 cm, onion cubes in half a centimeter.

In a cold frying pan, pour the broth base, sake, soy sauce, mirin and pour sugar, carefully mix all the ingredients, turn on the fire and lay the chopped onion. Cook the onion for 2-3 minutes under the lid, after which add the meat and cover the frying pan again for 4-5 minutes or until the chicken is ready. Then pour into the frying pan ½ of the total mass of lightly beaten eggs, gently mix the contents of the pan and cover again with a lid for 10 seconds, then pour the remaining eggs. Sprinkle the dish with parsley and turn off the fire. Leave the oyacodon under the lid for 2-3 minutes until ready, and then put it in a bowl over the boiled rice.

A simple and satisfying Japanese dish oyacodon is cooked for 15-20 minutes, which makes it a versatile and tasty dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner. If you have time to prepare a more refined Japanese dish, then read the recipes of takoyaki and chicken in Teriyaki sauce . Bon Appetit!