How to cook pea puree?

The chopped pea can become not only a fine side dish to dishes of red and white meat, or a basis for children's complementary foods, but also a tasty filler for patties or topping for a ruddy bread toast . Immediately with several recipes of a variety of pea puree, we will understand this material.

How to cook pea puree?

Puree from green peas is a classic of British cuisine, within the framework of which recipes, a garnish of ground beans is invariably supplemented with finely chopped mint leaves. It turns out the original alternative is much more common in our region puree from potato tubers.



Boil the green peas until tender. Remove excess fluids, and pour the beans into the blender bowl. Add warm cream, a little finely chopped green mint, chopped garlic, shallot and a drop of maple syrup for sweets. Whip the peas to homogeneity or leave small pieces of whole peas for a texture variety.

How to cook pea puree with meat?

If you cook pea puree as a complementary food for the baby, then add a little lean meat, such as beef, turkey or chicken, to the recipe, as we decided to do in the recipe below. Puree for this recipe is suitable not only for children who are switching from breastfeeding, but also for adults who choose to follow a diet.



Peel the chicken thighs from the skin, cover them with a drop of olive oil and bake in a preheated 190-degree oven for half an hour or until cooked. An alternative way of cooking can be steaming.

In the meantime, chop the vegetables and extinguish them in the soup ladle until soft. Separate boil the peas and pieces of potatoes. Pry them together with stewed carrots and onions, add the chicken stripped into fibers and season with a small amount of sea salt.

If you do not know how to cook pea puree in a multivarquet, then simply boil all the vegetables, including potatoes and peas, in the broth until softening, together with chicken pieces, on "Stew" (about 25-30 minutes), and then mash everything straight in the bowl and disassemble the chicken into small pieces.

How to quickly cook pea puree?



Before you cook pea puree, melt a little butter and use it to dress the scoop. To onion roast, add peas and muscat, mix everything together and cook until the peas are softened. Season all with nutmeg, pour in the cream and add the finely chopped raccoon. Peel the peas and if the mashed potatoes get too thick, pour a vegetable broth to it.

How to cook pea puree for pies?



Pour rinsed peas with water and boil until cooked. The remainder of the water is poured into a separate glass, add the juice of lemon, peanut butter and pour, pouring the drained water as needed. Spice the leeks, onions, carrots and celery together. Add the roast to the pea puree and whisk again.